Kerala State Development Corporation for SC and ST. This scheme was continued in 2015-16 and 2016-17 also. Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan (SCA to TSP). Out of the total funds received under SCA to SCSP, 75 per cent of the fund is distributed to District Collectors on the basis of Scheduled Caste population in the districts. Training with stipend in medical/engineering entrance, job oriented courses and other competitive examinations, Institute of Civil service Examination Training Society (ICSET), Admission for those who are selected in the State level entrance examination, one year training is given for participating in all India level competitions. For the year 2017-18 (up to August 31, 2017) an amount of 47.38 crore has been expended out of the total provision of 170.90 crore. The highest concentration of Scheduled Tribes is seen in Wayanad district (31.24 per cent) followed by Idukki (11.51 per cent), Palakkad (10.10 per cent) and Kasaragod (10.08 per cent). The State Government constituted the State Minority Development Finance Corporation in order to promote welfare and economic development of religious minority and recommended communities, as notified by the Central and State Government from time to time. 538.60 * The poverty line (implict) at all-India level is worked out from the expenditure class-wise distribution of persons (based on URPconsumption I.e.consumtion collected from 30 day recall period for all items) and the poverty ratio at All-India level. Malappuram has a Nair population of 1.8% and Kasargode has about 2.1%. In 1941, Kammalas had the highest TFR at 3.88 children per woman. In this article, you can know the caste-wise population of Karnataka. The child population comprises 9.84 % of total rural population of Alappuzha district. Kerala State Development Corporation for Christian Converts from Scheduled Caste and the Recommended Communities. Dovetailing Central and State Government Tribal Development strategies. Lump sum grant, Training is given for 20 students in a modern high-tech course, Certificate Programme in principal machinist including one year institutional training and one year industrial training. The population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as a percentage of total population in India and Kerala is given in Table 4.3.17. As on August 31, 2017, 739 families have been distributed 278.96 acres of land. ECONOMIC REVIEW 2017, State Planning Board, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, Major Institutions Under Scheduled Castes Development Department, Source: Scheduled Caste Development Department, Major Schemes of ST Development Department, Source: Scheduled Tribes Development Department, Institutions under Scheduled Tribes Development Department, Development of Weaker sections (SC/ST/Minorities), Admission for 30 students only. The administrators of the British Raj had an abiding interest in ethnography but in post-independence India the policy has been generally to ignore it in censuses. Kerala is bordered by Tamil Nadu to the south and east, Karnataka to the north and northeast, and the Lakshadweep Sea to the west.. Kerala has an estimated population of 35 million, up from 33.38 million in 2011. and caste differentiation in Kerala led Vivekananda to call Kerala a "mad house" of communalism. The objective of the Tribal Sub Plan was to give a special care to Scheduled Tribes through a Sub Plan approach. Scheduled Caste Development Department undertake programmes including education, economic development and social welfare, cultural programmes and services based on law. As per the Annual review on January 1, 2017, the total representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in public service is 12.79 per cent. The institute also undertakes Adikalagramam programme which include traditional dance and music of the SC and ST communities of the State. During the XII Five-Year Plan 9,326.98 crore was earmarked as SCSP flow from the aggregate State Plan provision of 95,010.00 crore. "Kerala: Radical Reform as Development in an Indian State (FF, 1994, 140 p.): 11. The total population of Ramanattukara is 35937 out of which 17574 are males and 18363 are females. In Kerala, which has arguably the highest living standard in India, scheduled caste population fell by 2.7% … Two sets of uniform, food, chappal, bag, monthly pocket money of. The administrators of the British Raj had an abiding interest in ethnography but in post-independence India the policy has been generally to ignore it in censuses.. (Appendix 4.3.29, 4.3.30, 4.3.31 and 4.3.32). Sustainable natural resource management and environment protection. 6,244.90 crore was allotted to Local Self Governments including opening balance for implementing various schemes under SCSP. District wise Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe population details are given in Appendix 4.3.10 and Appendix 4.3.11. Providing infrastructure, connectivity, communication facilities, education, treatment, drinking water, electricity, road etc. The main objective of this Corporation is to promote social, educational, cultural and economic upliftment and other living conditions of the converted Christians from Scheduled Castes and other recommended communities. Focus should be to introduce new skills and employment oriented courses. are undertaken by various institutions under the Department. Speeding up the process of social and economic development. KSBCDC provides financial assistance at lower rate of interest to the members of backward and minority communities living below poverty line. Out of which 251,006 are males while 257,206 are females. This fund is for taking up schemes on project basis, which provides scope to have a range of schemes for the all-round development of the targeted groups. In 2016-17, an amount of 1,923.14 lakh was expended out of the Budget provision of 3,500 lakh. Details of year wise disbursement of State Government assisted loan schemes from 2012-13 to 2017-18 (as on August 31, 2017) are given in Appendix 4.3.47. Development Programmes for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. State Planning Board had constituted Working Groups on Scheduled Caste Development and Scheduled Tribe Development for suggesting strategies and guidelines for the XIII Five-Year Plan. While the Indian caste system generally modelled the four-fold division of society into Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras, in Kerala the Nambudiri Brahmins formed the priestly class and only rarely recognised anyone else as being other than Shudra or untouchables, the latter being outside the caste system entirely. In 2011 there were total 122,084 families residing in Kochi Taluka. OBC educational scheme includes post matric scholarship and Pre metric scholarship. While the majority of Keralans speak the Malayalam language, various ethnic groups may speak other languages as well.. Centrally Sponsored Schemes and schemes/projects included in State Plan for the development of Scheduled Caste population are implemented by the Scheduled Caste Development Department. Scheme-wise outlay and expenditure of welfare of Scheduled Caste for 2016-17 and 2017-18 (as on August 31, 2017) and the physical targets and achievements are given in Appendix 4.3.17 and Appendix 4.3.18 respectively. An amount of 5,057.69 lakh was provided in 2016-17 for undertaking various development activities under the scheme and the amount expended during the period was 4,754.41 lakh (94 per cent). ... economic and political parameters of the State’s population. Table of Contents1 Caste Wise Population of Karnataka1.1 Religion-wise population in Karnataka1.2 […] But, … During 2017-18, allocation to Scheduled Caste Development Department was 2,599.65 crore and 751.08 crore was the allocation to Scheduled Tribes Development Department. An amount of 3,000 lakh was earmarked to Welfare Corporation for Forward Communities in the year 2017-18 for various programmes. Building on the innate strengths of tribal people and make them self-reliant. The strategy for Scheduled Tribes Development during the XIII Five-Year Plan period should be framed on the basis of the following objectives. The financial and physical achievement of the corporation is given in Appendix 4.3.51. These five districts together accommodate 57.17 per cent of the total Scheduled Castes in the State. Online News",, All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2011, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from April 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 24 October 2020, at 02:58. Stipend. After the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments, the local governments have been entrusted with specified responsibilities relating to development and welfare of Scheduled Tribes. Kochi Taluka of Ernakulam district has total population of 508,212 as per the Census 2011. Distribution of fallow and other crop lands on lease to SC labourers. Ramanattukara Population, Caste, Working population Data of Ramanattukara in Kozhikode district, Kerala. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 7755 families residing in the Ramanattukara city. In Kerala, as per Rule 14 (a) of the Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules 1958, provision for reservation in appointment has been made for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes in Gazetted, Non-Gazetted and Last Grade Categories in Government Departments. The scheme-wise details of physical and financial achievements of the Corporation are given in Appendix 4.3.43. [1], The 1968 Socio-Economic Survey by the Government of Kerala gave the population of the Nair community as 14.41% of the total population of the state. (, Purchase of land to the poor and eligible landless SC families for house construction, Development programmes for the vulnerable communities among Scheduled Castes, Health Scheme- Financial assistance to Seriously ill People. Thiruvananthapuram (Part) is a Munciple Corporation + Outgrowth city situated in Thiruvananthapuram Taluka of Thiruvananthapuram district. Kerala has six major cities: Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Kozhikode, Kollam, Thrissur and Kannur. After vetting by State Planning Board, the proposals are forwarded to Scheduled Caste Development Department for placing before State Level/Special Working Group for approval. At the same time, the government for the same purpose, gave a figure of 15.35% based on the Census of Travancore in 1941, Census of Cochin in 1941 & Census of Malabar in 1921. Sanction was given for the construction of 7,000 new houses in 2017-18 and construction activities are progressing. The department has implemented various educational schemes for OBC students as well as OEC students. Of Kerala's population, 16 per cent is Muslim, 23 per cent Christian, and 61 per cent Hindu. Kerala State Backward Classes Development Corporation(KSBCDC). The expenditure under this scheme is 156.44 crore as on August 31, 2017. The Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan released by Government of India as an addition to State Plan Funds is meant for undertaking programmes of education, health and employment cum income generation activities beneficial to Scheduled Tribes families. Financial assistance to daughters of SC parents to reduce the burden of marriage expenses, Financial assistance for promoting new ventures by the Scheduled Caste, Financial assistance for construction of new houses for houseless ST families. In the Annual Plan 2017-18, the scheme named “ATSP Fund/Special Package” was renamed as Ambedkar Settlement Development Scheme and an amount of 100 crore was earmarked. Ambedkar Settlement Development Scheme (Erstwhile ATSP Fund/Special Package). As per the TSP strategy, the State Government allocates an amount which is more than proportional to the tribal population (1.45 per cent) in the State. Details of representation of SC/ST employees in Government service is given in Appendix 4.3.14. Admission for MBBS course for 70 SC students, 19 treatment units, 500 beds. Scheduled Caste organizations must be selected for managing institutions to promote education of their children on par with the rest of the population like other private managements in the State. [6], Nair population has been declining in Kerala. Women and the Kerala reforms", "Kashmir terror trail vanishes in Kerala's political sands .:. Additional Tribal Sub Plan Fund is a special package in addition to the normal share of TSP to be utilised for the socio-economic betterment of tribal population living in the tribal settlements in the State. Preservation of social and cultural values. The icon links to further information about a selected place including its population structure (gender, urbanization, population group, literacy (a7+), activity status (a7+)). 3 students availed financial assistance for studying abroad and 476 students availed assistance for studying outside Kerala. Major achievements during the Plan period are given in Appendix 4.3.16. Over a third of Keralites live in these large cities (a higher percentage than any other state), and over half the population lives in urban centres. Illness assistance for treatment of serious diseases like cancer, heart/kidney/brain ailments to SC families below poverty line. Parent's annual income should be less than, Admission from 5th standard. Gender wise, male and female literacy stood at 97.24 and 94.44 percent respectively. The Tribal Development Block of Attappady was the first Integrated Tribal Development Project (ITDP) in Kerala (1976). It may be better covered under a comprehensive medical insurance scheme appropriately evolved under government sponsorship. Major Schemes of SC Development Department. In 2017-18, out of 1,427.60 crore, 234.26 crore was expended as on August 31, 2017. Various development departments and agencies are furnishing projects to State Planning Board for consideration. In … Various tribal people in Kerala have retained the religious beliefs of their ancestors. by utilizing State Government assistance and its own fund reserves. This scheme provides fund for filling critical gap in the SCSP provision made under various schemes on project basis with emphasis on human resource development, basic needs, economic development etc. Legislation for SCSP/TSP Act–For Regulating SCSP Funds to fully benefit the Scheduled Communities. 96 cases were registered in 2017-18 and 83.65 lakh was given as compensation grant as on August 31, 2017. The number of Scheduled Castes is highest in Palakkad district (13.29 per cent) followed by Thiruvananthapuram (12.27 per cent), Kollam (10.80 per cent), Thrissur (10.67 per cent) and Malappuram (10.14 per cent). Since 1983-84, the strategy has undergone changes and it has been decentralised at the district level. [5] There is also the practical difficulty of certain Nair subcastes declaring as independent caste. In addition to this, 13.00 crore is anticipated as Special Central Assistance to TSP. Details are given in Appendix 4.3.23. In Kerala, parties on the far left did quite well, as did the center-left Indian National Congress, whereas the center-right BJP performed quite poorly, as did regionalist parties. A total amount of 8,250 lakh was earmarked by the State Government for the sector in 2017-18, of this 550 lakh is State share for CSS. 10.3: SC and ST (rural) population State-wise for 2001 are given. Special Central Assistance to Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCA to SCSP). Training for the development of entrepreneurship skills have to be imparted to enable the youth to start their own business ventures in collaboration with start-up mission and other agencies. The scheme-wise outlay and expenditure of KIRTADS are given in Appendix 4.3.42. Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Minorities and Forward Communities. In 2016-17, the Corporation assisted 5,031 beneficiaries disbursing an amount of 55.35 crore. Today's Message: For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, & the strength of the Wolf is the Pack. Caste-wise Population - Changanassery. The major source of funds for tribal developments are (i) State Plan allocation, (ii) Funds under TSP components of Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) (iii) Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan (SCA to TSP), Grant under Article 275 (1) of the Constitution other allocation for schemes implemented by Ministry of Tribal Affairs and (iv) Institutional finance. The BCRC estimated Nair population at 14.47% of the total population of Kerala based on a statewide sample survey conducted for the reservation of seats in educational institutions. Students studying in self-financing colleges, 7 Balavadies/Vikasvadies/Balavinjan Kendrams, 7 Peripatetic Education Centers for Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups. In the first year, 2,219 individuals benefitted from this scheme. The population of Orissa forms 3.47 percent of India in 2011. Schedule Caste (SC) constitutes 3.7% while Schedule Tribe (ST) were 0.4% of total population in Aluva. The outlay and expenditure under SCA to TSP from 2009-10 to 2017-18 (up to August 31, 2017) is shown in Appendix 4.3.40. The Directorate of the Backward Classes Department was created in 2011-12 to look after the development of socially and economically backward communities of the society. Of which, 4,780.09 crore was allocated for SC Development Department and 4,546.89 crore for the Local Self -Governments. Accommodation, Centre for Research and Education for Social Transformation (CREST) Kozhikkode, Provide three weeks orientation course to enable students to actively involve in. The institute was established in 1970 as Tribal Research and Training Centre (TR&TC), which subsequently got recognized as the Kerala Institute for Research Training and Development Studies of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (KIRTADS). The growth of SC population has been 8.2 per cent which is 1.2 percent lower than the growth of total population (9.4 percent) in 1991-2001. Out of these, 28,257 were women (74.82 per cent). The institute conducts research and intensive study on Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population of the State. A total amount of 10,340 lakh was earmarked by the State Government for the Backward Classes development during 2017-18, of this 2,820 lakh is State share for CSS. The Scheme wise outlay and expenditure and the physical achievements of the Corporation during 2016-17 and 2017-18 (up to August 31, 2017) are given in Appendix 4.3.52. In 2017-18, assistance was given to 1,809 beneficiaries. Out of the total SCSP/TSP Plan outlay, a certain percentage of funds are allocated to Local Governments for implementation of schemes under decentralized planning and the remaining to the SC/ST Development Departments. Out of those citizens who are eligible to vote in Kerala, 15% belong to the Nair community. The source-wise expenditure and the physical achievements of the Corporation in 2016-17 and 2017-18 (up to August 31, 2017) are given in Appendix 4.3.46. Considering this, the strategy of TSP was to protect tribal people and thereby attain tribal development. Year-wise details of allotment from 2013-14 to 2017-18 are given in Appendix 4.3.15 and in Figure 4.3.6. He claimed that caste-wise census was needed as more than half of the Indian population belong to backward and most backward communities. Rehabilitation of landless and homeless SCs belonging to vulnerable communities by providing assistance for purchase of five cents of land and assistance for house construction. Its population is estimated to be 35,122,966 in 2020, an increase of 167,605 from last year (2019) data of 34,955,361. The Scheduled Tribe population of Kerala is 484,839 persons, constituting 1.45 per cent of the total population of the State. As of 2011, Hinduism is the largest religion followed by 70.53% of the total population while Muslims comprise 27.01% of the total population, being the second-largest community as also the largest minority group.Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhism and other religions make up the remainder. The total Plan provision set apart for the development of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes during 2016-17 was 2,354.40 crore and 682.80 crore respectively. Statement showing the outlay and expenditure under corpus fund from 2012.13 to 2017-18 (up to August 31, 2017) is given in Appendix 4.3.37, Figure 4.3.10 and district-wise details during 2017-18 are given in Appendix 4.3.38. Growth of Population in Kerala is well under control in comparison with other states in India. Of the total population of 3,34,06,061 in Kerala, the number of Hindus is 1,82,82,492, while the Muslim population is pegged at 88,73,472 and Christians 61,41,269. Kerala is a state in India on the Malabar coast in the southwest region of the country. Pooled fund is a system of earmarking certain amount of SCSP/TSP as pooled fund under SCSP and TSP. The major schemes include financial assistance to income generating projects, housing finance, educational loans, vocational training etc. Para medical institutes at Trivandrum and Thrissur, Health Inspector course for 57 (40 SC, 9 ST, 8 Gen) students in Kuzhalmannam, Palakkad and Diploma in Medical Laboratory Training course in Pilathara, Kannur, 2 batches with 27 students. Thiruvananthapuram (Part) Population, Caste, Working population Data of Thiruvananthapuram (Part) in Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala. But this is not the case, as according to the 1941 Census, the Total Fertility Rate varied across various ethnic groups. Special schemes for health are required. In Southern India, only in Ke… District-wise details of land distribution are shown in. Project above 25 lakh are cleared by State Level Working Groups/Special working Groups. The concept of Tribal Sub Plan was introduced for the development of Scheduled Tribe population during the Fifth Five-Year Plan (1974-75). From 2016-17 onwards the scheme for the traditional rural barbers for modernising their shops was started. Kerala State Minority Development Finance Corporation. In India, as per Census 2011, population of SC is 16.6 per cent and ST is 8.6 per cent, together forming a quarter of the total population. The caste system in Kerala differed from that found in the rest of India. 356.30 All India (Pre Capital per month) Urban Rs. The development of Scheduled Tribes outside the ITDPs is now covered by ten Tribal Development Offices (TDOs). Programmes of Scheduled Castes Development Department. Increasing population and limited participation in higher education are mainly blamed for backwardness of Muslims, but a new report questions this argument, saying the community's population in Kerala rose by 15 lakh between 2001-2011 despite being economically better and literate. Karnataka Latest Caste/Religion Wise population demographics and Census Information before Assembly Elections ... Andhra Pradesh to the east, Tamil Nadu to the southeast, and Kerala to the southwest. Programmes of Scheduled Tribes Development Department.
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