|, We provide the best funeral home and cremation services for. She was a homemaker and attended Straight Creek Freewill Baptist Church. To inquire about a specific funeral service by Malone Funeral Home, contact the funeral … Mary was known for her... Mary Ann Polzin Robinson, 63, of Grayson went to be with her Lord, Tuesday December 22, 2020 at her residence. Search our most recent funerals and tributes. KY \ Grayson \ malone funeral home; Malone Funeral Home Visit Website. Malone Funeral Home - Send Flowers. © 2021 Malone Funeral Home. Learn what we're doing to keep families safe in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19). He was retired from the Carter County Road Department. Our single purpose and our abiding promise to you is to provide compassionate care to the each and every family we serve. GRAYSON FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION SERVICES. His survivors including his mother; three sons, David Harlow III, Hunter Harlow and Eddie Riggs; six daughters,... David S. Harlow, Jr., 71 of Grayson went to be with his Lord, Monday, January 4, 2021 at Kings Daughters Medical Center in Ashland. Providing funeral home, burial, and cremation services for Grayson, KY. Our friendly and professional staff is at your service - 24/7. A licensed funeral director will assist you in making the proper funeral arrangements for your loved one. ... Grayson, KY … Our compassionate staff provides burial and cremation services for Grayson, KY. Carole was born March 17, 1941 in Denton, KY a daughter of the late... Julia M. Mollette, 71 of Webbville, KY, went to be with her Lord on Sunday, December 27, 2020 at her residence following a long illness under Hospice care. Find upcoming services and details on a loved one. A funeral service will be held on Saturday, January 9th 2021 at 11:00 AM at the Tbd Malone Funeral Home (325 Malone Ln, Grayson, KY 41143). She is survived by her son, Edwin (Joe Barnett) Sexton of Russell, KY; two sisters, Patty Carper and Shelby (Sydney) Marshall... Carole Sue Mullins Sexton, 79 of Denton went to be with her Lord on Sunday, December 27, 2020 at Wurtland Manor Nursing Home. Meet our staff and learn more about our funeral home's history. It is a … Bruce was born July 20, 1960, in Grayson, a son of Johnny … The safety and well-being of our families, community, and employees is our top priority. Shirley was born June 6, 1949 in Olive Hill, KY a daughter... Charles R. “Chuck” Teague, 92, of Grayson, went to be with his Lord on Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at his residence. Browse the most recent Grayson, Kentucky obituaries and condolences. Malone Funeral Home The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a recent loss, often marking just the beginning of collective mourning. Carole Sue Mullins Sexton, 79, of Denton passed away Sunday. Chuck was born July 5, 1928 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl, a son of the late Frances and Hattie Teague. A funeral service will be held on Monday, January 11th 2021 at 1:00 PM at the Tbd Malone Funeral Home (325 Malone Ln, Grayson, KY … Curtis is survived by a daughter, Katrina Bush of Denton; a son JohnCurtis... Curtis Dewayne Burton, 54, of Grayson, KY passed away Monday December 28, 2020. To share a condolence or memory with the family, go to www.malonefuneralhome.com
Grayson, Kentucky September 8, 1948 - January 4, 2021 09/08/1948 01/04/2021 Recommend John's obituary … Call us anytime - 24/7. Funeral services will be Thursday at 1:00 PM at Malone Funeral Home… We provide the best funeral home and cremation services for Grayson, KY We invite you to visit our home and meet our friendly staff. Category : Claim Your Listing . It is a time to share memories, receive condolences and say goodbye. Email: sparksg53@yahoo.com. Mary loved spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren who all called her “maemae”. Celebrate and remember the lives we have lost in Grayson, Kentucky. After the service, he worked as a crane operator in the south Florida area before moving to Ohio and then Kentucky, where his last employment was at Kentucky... Charles R. “Chuck” Teague, 92, of Grayson, went to be with his Lord on Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at his residence. Home. Claim … He is survived by one son, Bobby Justice of Mt. All Rights Reserved. Phone: (606) 474-5757 . Chuck was born July 5, 1928 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl, a son of the late... Curtis Dewayne Burton, 54, of Grayson, KY passed away Monday December 28, 2020. See reviews, pricing, contact info, answers to FAQs and more. Grayson Funeral Home and Cremation Services provides funeral, memorial, personalization, aftercare, pre-planning and cremation services in Grayson, KY. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and will be announced later by Grayson Funeral Home & Cremation Services. March 29, 1943 - January 6, 2021, Lee Justice passed away on January 6, 2021 in Grayson, Kentucky. Bruce Jarvis Leadingham, Sr., 60 of Grayson died on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at Kings Daughters Medical Center in Ashland. He was known for many miles of walking and never accepted rides because he was always in a hurry. Map +1(606)-474-5126. John was born September 8, 1948 in Grayson a son of Helen Gollihue Rice of Grayson... James Robert “Bobby” Griffith, 83, of Webbville, KY went to be with his Lord on Saturday, January 2, 2021, at Carter Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Visitation will be held on Monday, January 11th 2021 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Malone Funeral Home (325 Malone Ln, Grayson, KY 41143). Join our obituary notification email list. John was preceded by his maternal grandparents, Earis and Florence Gollihue and paternal... John E. Rice, 72 of Grayson, went to be with his Lord Monday, January 4, 2021 at Hospice Care Center in Ashland. Compare their funeral costs and customer reviews to others in the Funerals360 Vendor Marketplace. Bobby was an avid fan of baseball, especially Cincinnati Reds. Malone Funeral Home is a local funeral and cremation provider in Grayson, Kentucky who can help you fulfill your funeral service needs. Curtis served honorably in the Army National Guard. She was a member of the Maranatha Bible Church, Webbville, KY for 44 years. Funeral homes and cremation providers offer a wide range of services to assist families with funeral … He was preceded in death by a great-grandson, Ryker Littleton. Malone Funeral Home. Fax: (606) 474-0444. Funeral arrangement under the care of Malone Funeral Home Bobby was born April 22, 1937, in... Shirley Kay Jackson Prichard, 71, of Olive Hill went to be with her Lord December 31, 2020 at the Kingsbrook Life Care Center in Ashland. Or, visit our funeral home in person at your convenience. Malone Funeral Home & Cremations. The caring memorial directors at Malone Funeral Home provide specialized funeral solutions designed to satisfy the needs of each family. He as a WWII Navy Veteran serving from June 1943-March 1946 as a Gunner’s Third Mate on the USS Mainstay. Lee was born March 29, 1943 in Chester, Pennsylvania a son of the late Lee Justice Sr. and Anna Mae Shepard. Get information about Malone Funeral Home in Grayson, Kentucky. Check out the Funeral Home Arrangement Malone Funeral Home, Grayson, KY. All Obituaries - Malone Funeral Home offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Geneva, IL and the surrounding communities. It is a time to share memories, receive condolences and say goodbye. Fax: 606-474-0840. Phone: 606-474-5114. Skip to Main Navigation; Skip to Breadcrumbs; Skip to Main Content; Follow Us : Malone Funeral Home, Grayson, KY. Malone Funeral Home ... Funeral Home Obituaries… Visitation 11:00 AM Wednesday until the service hour. About Us. Lee was born March 29, 1943 in Chester, Pennsylvania a son of the late... David S. Harlow, Jr., 71 of Grayson went to be with his Lord, Monday, January 4, 2021 at Kings Daughters Medical Center in Ashland. Let us help guide you through this difficult time. It is a time to share memories, … View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for Malone Funeral Home in Geneva, Illinois. We provide the best funeral home and cremation services for Grayson, KY. We invite you to visit our home and meet our friendly staff. Grayson,, KY 41143 . Malone Funeral Home The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a recent loss, often marking just the beginning of collective mourning. He was a retired supervisor for Kentucky Department of Highways, farmer, member of Wilson Creek Missionary Baptist Church and active member of Carter County Veterans Association. Send Flowers to Malone Funeral Home,... PlayStation Home Officially Closed Mary was born October 3, 1957 in Milan, Michigan a daughter of the late Laurence Sr.... © 2021 Malone Funeral Home. He enjoyed farming, mechanic and construction work. Category : Funeral Homes, Funeral Directors & Funeral Services. Malone Funeral Home The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a recent loss, often marking just the beginning of collective mourning. You are welcome to call us any time of the day, any day of the week, for immediate assistance. Please don't hesitate to give us a call is if there's anything we can help with at all - 24/7. The professional, dedicated staff can help you in making funeral service plans, funeral … He was preceded in death by a son, Anthony Justice; four brothers, Joe Justice, Davy Justice, Greg Justice and Bobby Justice; one sister, Betty Everman. Malone Funeral Home The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a recent loss, often marking just the beginning of collective mourning. 325 Malone Lane Grayson, Kentucky 41143 Phone: (606) 474-5126. Print. Tour our facilities and meet our friendly staff. 325 Malone Ln, Grayson, KY, 41143. Grayson, Kentucky 41143 Phone: (606) 474-5126 Phone: (800) 832-8560 Fax: (606) 475-9486 Contact us with questions and comments 325 Malone Ln, Grayson, KY, 41143. Lee Justice, Jr., 77 of Grayson, went to be with his Lord on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at Hospice Care Center in Ashland. David was born September 16, 1949 in Carter County, KY, a son of Hazel Marie Colley Harlow of Grayson and the late David S. Harlow Sr. Or, visit our funeral home in person at your convenience. Shirley was born June 6, 1949 in Olive Hill, KY a daughter of the late, Woodrow and Lucy Jane Hutchinson Jackson. Search for funeral homes, cremation services, cemeteries, final expense advisors, pet cemeteries and pet cremation services throughout the U.S. Also, find sellers of cremation urns, caskets, grave markers … In addition to his parents, Curtis was preceded in death by his spouse, Nikki L. Grace Burton. She was a homemaker and a devoted wife and mother. Julia was born August 20, 1949 in... Mary Ann Polzin Robinson, 63, of Grayson went to be with her Lord, Tuesday December 22, 2020 at her residence. Mary was born October 3, 1957 in Milan, Michigan a daughter of the late Laurence Sr. and Hattie Marie Hopkins Polzin. Plan a funeral, find contact information and more. She was preceded in death by an infant daughter, Cathy Ann Mollette and... Julia M. Mollette, 71 of Webbville, KY, went to be with her Lord on Sunday, December 27, 2020 at her residence following a long illness under Hospice care. Funeral will be at 1:00 PM on Wednesday at Malone Funeral Home. |. It is a time to share memories, … We are available 24/7 to provide support and information. Bobby was born April 22, 1937, in Elliott County, KY, a son of the late Fred Griffith and Mae Kidd Sparks. Lee was a carpenter and a US Army veteran. Malone Funeral Home The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a recent loss, often marking just the beginning of collective mourning. Curtis was born December 25, 1966 in Marion, OH a son of the late Clifford Wayne and Barbara Ann “Peggy” Sexton Burton. He was... James Robert “Bobby” Griffith, 83, of Webbville, KY went to be with his Lord on Saturday, January 2, 2021, at Carter Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. 203 West Main Street. View our unique facilities and amenities. David S. Harlow, Jr., 71 of Grayson went to be with his Lord, Monday, January 4, 2021 at Kings Daughters Medical Center in Ashland. Grayson, KY 41143. Curtis was born December 25, 1966 in Marion, OH a son of the late Clifford Wayne and Barbara Ann “Peggy”... Carole Sue Mullins Sexton, 79 of Denton went to be with her Lord on Sunday, December 27, 2020 at Wurtland Manor Nursing Home. He was a member of Upper Bruin Enterprise Baptist Church.
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