Type: Evaluation Trainer Topic: Justice Year: 2003 Client: Ministry of the Attorney General Description: Facilitator and Trainer for the Aboriginal Community Justice Program Evaluation Training Workshop. Our Ending Violence program includes: Children Who Witness Violence, Cultural Resource Coordinator, Healing and Wellness Coordinator Program, and Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin – I am a Kind Man. Objectives of the Indigenous Justice Program: In support of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act the Department of Justice is committed to facilitating the participation of official language minority communities and their organizations in the development and assessment of the Department’s policies, programs and services having significant impact on the development of the communities; and, to taking measures to ensure that the Department’s programs and services reach official language minority communities. Encouraging contacts between organizations that are receiving financial assistance and official language minority organizations/groups to ensure that the needs of these communities are taken into consideration in relation to the proposed projects to be considered for Department of Justice Canada funding. They determine all research conduct, establish research priorities, choose methodologies and decide how the findings are used. The Aboriginal Courtwork Program addresses the unique challenges faced by Aboriginal people dealing with the justice system. Our ethics application package is based on the USAI Research Framework. 284 Wellington Street This report critically reviews evaluations […] Aboriginal Women Leaving Custody. 284 Wellington Street The impact evaluation piece assesses how participation in the program promotes positive change in the lives of direct service users. Fax: (604) 666-7121, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Alberta Fax: (306) 975-5116, British Columbia Department of Justice 310-300 Main Street The Program holds justice circles, including accused, victims, families and the community. It is recommended that recipients review this handbook at the onset of their funding agreements. The Aboriginal Courtwork Program addresses the unique challenges faced by Aboriginal people dealing with the justice system. The program has a dedicated campaign and training components that teach men to strengthen their cultural values and promote wellness and resiliency in their communities. Tel: (604) 666-6009 Evaluation of Indigenous Justice Program The purpose of research project was to ‘determine the effectiveness of night patrol initiatives on community safety rates, preferably in comparison with statistically similar communities that do not operate night patrols’. To address these issues, attendees emphasized the importance of having and expanding the network of Indigenous evaluation experts. This summative evaluation report presents the findings and conclusions regarding the Employment and Social Development Canada’s (the department) Indigenous labour market programs: The Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy (the strategy) and the Skills and Partnership Fund (the fund). Our Education & Employment Programs Include: Alternative Secondary School Program, Apatisiwin, and the Urban Indigenous Homeward Bound (UIHB). As such, it is vital that each application demonstrates that the proposed project adheres to community-driven research as well as the USAI principles (Utility, Self-voicing, Access, and Inter-relationality). Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2B5 This project examines the legacy of leadership within the Ontario Friendship Centre movement. ofifc@ofifc.org, Indigenous Cultural Competency Training (ICCT), Master of Social Work in Indigenous Trauma and Resiliency, Indigenous Community Justice Program Evaluation, Enhancing Health Outcomes for Indigenous Survivors of Sexualized Violence, Indigenous Education – Knowledge Network in Applied Education Research (2019), Our Inheritance: Reflections on Leadership in the Friendship Centre Movement (2018), Gidizhigiizhwewinaanan (Our Languages): Language Transfer Practices in Urban Indigenous Communities (2015), Walking Through the Door of a Friendship Centre (2015), Bidwewidam – Indigenous Masculinities, Identities, and Mino-Bimaadziwin (2013). Programs are culturally relevant, trauma informed and delivered in safe and accessible environments. The report sets out to comprehensively analyse major reviews and evaluations of programs relevant to Indigenous labour market outcomes, including national mainstream and Indigenous-specific policies. Friendship Centres are not-for-profit and charity corporations that are mandated to serve the needs of urban Indigenous people by providing culturally appropriate services in urban communities. We summarized the stories into a 10-minute themed … FPT justice officials were also asked about whether the conditions remained to demonstrate an ongoing need for alternative Indigenous justice approaches. Aboriginal young people are still at increased risk of involvement with the justice … The Indigenous Community Justice Program (ICJP) is a criminal pre- and post-charge diversion program for Indigenous offenders, both adult and youth. This guide is designed as a reference tool to help funding recipients better understand and comply with the financial requirements described in contribution agreements. Overview Born out of a desire to move beyond criminal justice advocacy, the Healing Justice New England Program draws its inspiration and focus from Indigenous principles employed to help communities impacted by oppression to heal from intergenerational trauma and grief that are often at the root cause of poor social cohesion. Culturally Competent Evaluation for Aboriginal Communities : A Review of the Empirical Literature . Indigenous Justice Program The Aboriginal Justice Strategy (AJS), now known as the Indigenous Justice Program, supports community-based justice programs that offer alternatives to mainstream justice processes in appropriate circumstances. They are membership driven organizations in urban communities that serve all urban Indigenous people, regardless of status. They connect children, youth and adult learners. Tel: (613) 957-3706 (AGD; RFT 0510). Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8 Policy decisions made by governments affect whether we have clean air and water, what kind of services we can access, whether Indigenous curriculum is taught in schools and whether people can afford to live in our communities. The training enables participants to build skills, knowledge, attitudes and values essential to fostering positive and productive relationships with Indigenous people. There are Friendship Centres in towns and cities across Ontario. Our advocacy centres on the rights of urban Indigenous children and youth to culture-based programs and services that support them to thrive. Evaluation of the Aboriginal Justice Agreement Phase 3. 1-800-772-9291 The Australian government has for some time been aware of the lack of evidence on the effectiveness of Indigenous programs. The Urban Aboriginal Task Force (UATF) was established in 2003 to explore policy questions facing urban Indigenous commu... 219 Front Street East Indigenous juveniles and young adults in the criminal justice system. Increasing the use of restorative justice processes and other initiatives as a means to reduce the rate of incarceration among Indigenous Canadians is a priority for the federal government (identified in the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Mandate Letter, 2015). Our Homelessness & Housing Programs Include: Reaching Home Program, and Urban Indigenous Homeward Bound (UIHB). Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement Phase 1. The Program is designed to help Aboriginal people who are in conflict with the criminal justice system obtain fair, just, equitable, and culturally sensitive treatment. Our Children & Youth Programs Include: Akwe:go, Wasa-Nabin, Student Nutrition Program, Children’s Mental Health Program, Healthy Babies, Healthy Children Program, Youth Culture Camps, Youth Life Promotion, and the Urban Aboriginal Healthy Kids Program. Submission to the House of Representative Standing (2004). 284 Wellington Street Robson Court 900-840 Howe Street In this 11-month Certificate program, learners prepare for an exciting career in the justice sector by increasing their knowledge about the structures and processes in the Canadian justice system. Diversion from the youth justice system is a critical goal for addressing the over-representation of Indigenous young people in the criminal justice system. aimed to support work under the National Indigenous Law and Justice Framework, endorsed in 2009 by the former Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (now the Standing Council on Law and Justice). Tel: (867) 393-7973 This training is available to organizations, governments, and businesses. (2010). The Indigenous Justice Program supports Indigenous community-based justice programs that offer alternatives to mainstream justice processes in appropriate circumstances. to contribute to a decrease in the rate of victimization, crime and incarceration among Indigenous people in communities with community-based justice programs funded by the IJP. Fax: (613) 954-4893, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island Evaluation results have been encouraging. In the past, we collaborated with external consultants to look at the impacts of the programs offered in Friendship Centres. Evaluation of Indigenous Justice Program The purpose of research project was to ‘determine the effectiveness of night patrol initiatives on community safety rates, preferably in comparison with statistically similar communities that do not operate night patrols’. The OFIFC is governed by a Board of Directors with representatives from member Friendship Centres. It is never value-neutral. Kizhaay- I am a Kind Man is an OFIFC program offered in Friendship Centres and other delivery sites. The process evaluation portion assesses how the program is being implemented in each delivery site in order to identify program barriers and opportunities, potential gaps in services, and how program implementation may align, or not align with the program’s objectives and why. Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8  The OFIFC works with key partners to support Friendship Centres in building relationships and partnerships at the local governance level. Aboriginal Courtwork FPT Federal, Provincial and Territorial FASD Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder FTE Full-time Equivalent ICW Indigenous Courtwork IJP Indigenous Justice Program SDA Service Delivery Agency TWG Tripartite Working Group TRC Truth and Reconciliation Commission Date modified: 2018-07-25 Section menu About Us. of program evaluation activities and discuss Indigenous approaches and ethical guidelines for engaging in a program evaluation. The Board of Directors also includes youth representatives from the four geographic regions, two Elders to ensure work is culture-based, and a Senator to support institutional memory. Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2S9 What is Program Evaluation? Tel: (306) 529-0516 Housing is a human right and Friendship Centres have a long history of supporting urban Indigenous families to secure safe and affordable housing. This report is the final of three evaluation reports developed as part of an evaluation of the County Koori Court pilot program undertaken from 2009 to 2011. The Program is designed to help Aboriginal people who are in conflict with the criminal justice system obtain fair, just, equitable, and culturally sensitive treatment. AusTender procurement contracts found the average cost of an evaluation is $382,000.5At this price, the additional $10 million will be enough for only 26 more evaluations of Indigenous programs per year. vi Indigenous Youth Justice Programs Evaluation Executive summary Diversion from the youth justice system is a critical goal for addressing the overrepresentation of Indigenous young people in the criminal justice system. The Strategy puts Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at its centre. The campaign focuses on ending of violence against Indigenous women by raising awareness of the signs of abuse in communities. Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8 The OFIFC has put a map together to help you find the Friendship Centre closest to you. Type: Evaluation Topic: Justice Year: 2011 Client: Department of Justice Description: Utilizing photovoice we provided advice on this technique, including digital voice recording the stories of the photos. The OFIFC designs and delivers culture-based education and training opportunities to support the learning needs of Friendship Centre staff, Indigenous communities and non-Indigenous communities. Friendship Centres are critical sites of Indigenous knowledge and language transmission. Advocating for improved access to, and determination over, health, mental health and traditional health practices for urban Indigenous communities. The MSW-ITR program partners with University of Toronto’s Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, and the Middelton-Moz Institute. The OFIFC works to foster coordinated, strategic and culturally competent approaches. Friendship Centres are Indigenous community hubs that provide a place for Indigenous people to gather and access a range of services including Children and Youth, Education, Employment, Health, Healing and Wellness, Homelessness and Justice programming. Tel: (613) 941-4193 Emerging from a nationwide, grassroots movement dating back to the 1950s, Friendship Centres are community hubs where Indigenous people living in towns, cities, and urban centres can access culturally based and culturally appropriate programs and services every day. Panyappi Indigenous youth mentoring program. The Kanawayhitowin campaign includes adult and youth training supports as well as community initiative supports for Friendship Centres. This means communities have control. Our Justice Programs Include: Indigenous Courtwork Program (ICWP), Criminal Courtworkers, Family Courtworkers, and the Indigenous Community Justice Program (ICJP). E-mail: ijp-pja@justice.gc.ca, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Nunavut Our research is community-driven, not community-based or community-placed. Founded in 1971, the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC) works to support, advocate for, and build the capacity of member Friendship Centres across Ontario. 410-22nd Street East, Suite 410 Fax: (613) 954-4893, Saskatchewan, Manitoba The evaluation asked AJS CJWs about the nature and extent of criminal justice issues in their communities. Authors: Department of Finance and Deregulation: Office of Evaluation and Audit (Indigenous Programs) Publishers: The Australian National Audit Office The Prevention, Diversion, Rehabilitation and Restorative Justice Program works to divert Indigenous Australians away from adverse contact with the legal system and provides activities that will rehabilitate and support Indigenous […] In this report, four programs that were already being … Fax: (613) 954-4893 Miigwetch, Marci, Niá:wen, Merci, Thank you. We collaborate with communities and create trauma-informed spaces for all members, including youth, Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers to contribute safely to research activities. Indigenous communities have utilized evaluation practices to shape community development over many generations (USAI Evaluation Path, 2019). Justice for Joyce; Indigenous Evaluation. to assist Indigenous people in assuming greater responsibility for the administration of justice in their communities; to reflect and include Indigenous values within the justice system; and. All research is action-oriented and conducted with the explicit intention of improving urban Indigenous people’s quality of life. (416) 956-7577 Both of these groups indicated strong support for the continued need. For each program, the evaluation team developed a ‘program logic’, identifying the activities and goals of the program, and how it articulates within a broader framework of criminal justice … There are many Our Urban Programming For Indigenous People Programs Include: Urban Programming for Indigenous Peoples, UPIP – Organizational Capacity, UPIP – Programs and Services, and the Urban Indigenous Homeward Bound (UIHB). The MCPEI Indigenous Justice Program strives to develop sustainable justice support systems for Mi’kmaq and other Indigenous persons in the PEI justice system. Indigenous communities have utilized evaluation practices to shape community development over many generations (USAI Evaluation Path, 2019). Friendship Centres are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors consisting of elected members. The Indigenous Justice Program consists of Two Funding Components Indigenous-led evaluation approaches make sure that local values and traditions are reflected in the methods used … The Friendship Centre Movement (FCM) is the country’s most significant urban Indigenous service delivery infrastructure. Emergent Principles and Protocols for Indigenous Health Service Evaluation: Summary Report of a Provincial “Three Ribbons” Expert Consensus Panel . This project considers the complex social, political and economic factors that contribute to the prevalence of diabetes ... “Language is who you are. Breaking Free, Breaking Through, co-designed with the Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA), asks Indigenous women t... Over the past 50 years, the Friendship Centre movement has grown to meet urban Indigenous needs. (416) 956-7575 The Department of Justice Indigenous Justice Program (IJP) supports Indigenous community-based justice programs that offer alternatives to mainstream justice processes in appropriate circumstances. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 5T6 In the past, we collaborated with external consultants to look at the impacts of the programs offered in Friendship Centres. Toronto, ON M5A 1E8 The Indigenous Evaluation Strategy provides a whole-of-government framework for Australian Government agencies to use when selecting, planning, conducting and using evaluations of policies and programs affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Tel: (613) 941-0385 Evaluation “means asking good, critical questions about programs to improve programs and help them be accountable for the wise use of resources” (Taylor-Powell, 2002, p. 27). External evaluation report. That’s one of the first things. Providing outreach to official language minority communities to enhance their understanding of the Department of Justice funding programs. Report into … The Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres designs dozens of programs to address the needs of urban Indigenous communities across the province.OFIFC programs are delivered by Friendship Centres and other local organizations, creating the largest urban Indigenous program and service delivery network in Ontario. Indigenous communities need meaningful frameworks for evaluating program effectiveness to guide decisions that affect residents’ health. Friendship Centres across Ontario respond to the immediate and long-term needs of urban Indigenous communities through a variety of justice-related programming. In the context of project funding, these measures include: Evaluation of the Aboriginal Justice Strategy PDF Version, Contribution Funds for Non-Governmental Organizations, a Handbook. Therefore, evaluation will focus on the ways in which AJA initiatives bring about change in order to inform broader work in Aboriginal justice beyond specific programs, including informing decisions around replication and continuation of innovative and effective approaches. Our Featured Research: Ganohonyohk (Giving Thanks): Indigenous Prosperity, Indigenous Knowledge Transfer in Urban Aboriginal Communities­, Tsi:iakwanakere – Building a Community-Based Sense of Home, Ceremony and Transitions. Exploring the feasibility of a residential program to provide cultural and gender-specific supports for Aboriginal women involved in the corrections system. Our Health & Wellness Programs Include: Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Worker Program, Children’s Mental Health Program, Health Outreach Worker Program, Healing and Wellness Coordinator Program, Indigenous Mental Health and Wellness Program, Life Long Care Program, and the Urban Aboriginal Healthy Living Program (Healthy Living). They’re our co-researchers. Public policy shapes our entire lives. The information on this page includes outcomes relating to each phase of the AJA. In this report, we examine four programs that were already being implemented by states and The challenges and issues that affect Indigenous people are also examined through a critical thinking lens with an emphasis on decolonization. These project participants greatly appreciated the knowledge shared on taking an Aboriginal approach to evaluation and having an opportunity to voice their project concerns with the funder. The evaluation is comprised of five projects (A to E), of which Project B considers programs relating to Offender Support and Reintegration. Fax: (867) 393-7951, Evaluation of the Aboriginal Justice Strategy, Families of Missing or Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. The evaluation found widespread support for the CJG Program amongst Indigenous community leaders, community based service providers, and justice … The Indigenous Justice Program The recent increase of $4 … Communities that serve all urban Indigenous service delivery infrastructure Strait Islander people at its Centre,,. That recipients Review this handbook at the impacts of the AJA strong support for continued... The impacts of the signs of abuse in communities evaluation piece assesses how participation in corrections. 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