25. These unsupported edges are weak and may be further weakened by corrosion. 0.38 (0.08) d 38.0 (4.8) 28. However, application of TableCurve software found a simpler equation that fitted the data in Fig. Comparing the results according to the different loading/unloading rates applied in the nanoindentation investigation, nanoindentation creep and recovery increased, respectively, with faster loading and unloading rates; therefore the third test hypothesis was confirmed. Creep may result from occlusal stresses during clinical service. For most materials the permanent set measured by nanoindentation was higher than that measured by bulk compressive creep. Each nanoindentation recovery value is the mean of five representative indentations selected one per each loading/unloading rate. Each of these experiments was repeated 30 times generating plots of the form in. Correlation coefficients ( r 2 ) between nanoindentation creep and loading rates ranged from 0.734 to 0.999 and between the nanoindentation recovery and unloading rates from 0.607 to 0.999. Code 64.29 Journal of Dentistry 2001; 29: pp. 932-939. Mean data (standard deviations in parentheses) of the bulk compressive creep parameters of the studied materials. There was a significant ( p = 0.001) strong positive non-linear correlation ( r 2 = 0.97) between bulk creep and nano creep that could also be expressed via a simple fractional-power function. Evaluation of mechanical properties of materials at surface or subsurface level using a nanoindentation technique has been developed and widely used during the last decade, especially in the area of determining thin-film mechanical properties . Each nanoindentation creep value is the mean of 30 data points. 43.9 (4.7) Curt Coffman 1, Chris Visser 1, Jason Soukup 2, and Michael Peak 3. The purpose was to investigate viscoelastic behavior in a low stress range that might result from normal chewing forces. X 0.5 The area that has dental pulp chamber calcification is in red while the black shows another patient with normal dental ⦠Creep (AVAILABLE) Thermal properties of dental materials (AVAILABLE) Color and esthetics (AVAILABLE) ... 1 Topic. 239-245. Regression analysis (linear and non-linear) was performed to investigate relationships between the nanoindentation creep and the bulk compressive creep, between the nanoindentation recovery and the bulk compressive creep recovery and between the nanoindentation permanent set and the bulk compressive creep permanent set. This simpler equation was: Change in a dental material may result from various causes. 39. EX Curves in (a)–(c) show an increasing nanoindentation creep with faster loading rates. For bulk compressive creep, stainless steel split molds (4 mm × 6 mm) were used to prepare cylindrical specimens which were thoroughly irradiated at 650 mW/cm 2 from multiple directions and stored in distilled water at 37 °C for 24 h. Specimens were loaded (20 MPa) for 2 h and unloaded for 2 h. One-way ANOVA, Levene's test for homogeneity of variance and the Bonferroni post hoc test (all at p ≤ 0.05), plus regression plots, were used for statistical analysis. : Contact creep compliance of viscoelastic materials via nanoindentation. 40-43. It has been proposed that if the loading rate was fast (e.g., 5 mN/s) this could prevent time-dependent deformation (creep) occurring during the loading period; whereupon all the creep deformation would take place during the first hold period (within the given time of the test). ND 5 ). Load–displacement nanoindentation curve exhibited by FS at a loading rate: (a) of 0.5 mN/s and an unloading rate of 0.5 mN/s at room temperature; (b) of 0.5 mN/s and an unloading rate of 1 mN/s at room temperature; and (c) of 0.5 mN/s and an unloading rate of 2 mN/s at room temperature. 44.2 (2.6) All data were tested using Levene’s test for homogeneity of variance ( p ≤ 0.05). Lowest and highest nanoindentation permanent set occurred, respectively, for GS (8.96 nm) and VB (30.65 nm). Material code Despite the differences in loading and unloading conditions, in both methods of examination the correlation observed between the creep and recovery responses for a set of resin-composites was high. 1003011 54.6 (2.5) Baroudi K., Silikas N., Watts D.C.: Time-dependent viscoelastic creep and recovery of flowable composites. 61.11 All data were tested using Levene's test for homogeneity of variance ( p ≤ 0.05). Dental Materials 2003; 19: pp. Fig. 133 crostructure Vs. 0.24 (0.08) b Dental Materials 2004; 20: pp. Journal of Dentistry 2000; 28: pp. Four types of nanoindentation creep investigation were identified by Lucas and Oliver : indentation load relaxation method, constant rate of loading method, constant load indentation method, and impression creep method. 7 ). To evaluate nanoindentation as an experimental tool for characterizing the viscoelastic time-dependent creep of resin-composites and to compare the resulting parameters with those obtained by bulk compressive creep. Premise 5 ). 45.6 (5.7) However, when there is direct transfer of stress to the bulk restorative material, the resin-polymer phase of the resin-composite will often respond in a time-dependent manner, typical of most polymeric biomaterials . ES The resin-composite material was placed into the mold in layers of 2-mm thickness (40 s for each layer) and irradiated both in the mold and from the radial direction after removal from the mold, using a halogen light curing unit (Optilux 501, Kerr, Orange Co., USA) with irradiance of 650 mW/cm 2 , as measured with a calibrated radiometer. Each specimen was subjected to a cycle of constant compressive stress of 20 MPa for 2 h followed by 2 h of strain recovery after load removal. The highest bulk compressive recovery was exhibited by FS (85.25%) and the lowest was with EX (51.95%). A bulk compressive creep instrument was used to investigate the creep of the selected resin-composites. An ultrasonic bath (Nusonic, Transsonic T310, Germany) was used to clean the specimens in distilled water for 3 min. Similarly, Fig. Materials description and manufacturers’ information are listed in Table 1 . Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Kerr Italia S.p.A., Scafati, Italy Creep of dental amalgam specimens is a common test and is included in the amalgam specification. 14 a–c presents load–displacement nanoindentation plots for VB at three different loading rates showing creep increasing with loading rates. Figs. FS Methods. Both methods will be used to investigate creep and recovery of some representatives of different categories of dental resin-composites. Objectives: Three different popular composite resin systems for dental restorative applications are microfilled, minifilled and midifilled types in which deformation under stress and ⦠To evaluate nanoindentation as an experimental tool for characterizing the viscoelastic time-dependent creep of resin-composites and to compare the resulting parameters with those obtained by bulk compressive creep. Specimens were irradiated from top and bottom surfaces in multiple overlapping points to ensure optimal polymerization using a visible light curing unit with output irradiance of 650 mW/cm 2 . Each of these experiments was repeated 30 times generating plots of the form in 20 ES 2 19. 20 E646B 41. Linear regression analysis confirmed a strong positive correlation between the nanoindentation creep and the loading rates and between nanoindentation recovery and unloading rates. Ikejima I., Nomoto R., McCabe J.F. 48.67 (6.44) b,d Gouldstone A., Chollacoop N., Dao M., Li J., Minor A.M., Shen Y.L. Technology is a must-have for dental offices, whether the dentists are sole practitioners or part of a Dental ⦠Each nanoindentation recovery value is the mean of five data points. Each value is the mean of five measurements. 53.65 (5.54) c,d The creep strain was continuously recorded over 4 h. A schematic representation of the typical constant compressive load creep behavior is illustrated in Fig. Many recent dental resin-composites have nanohybrid filler systems, so it is desirable to probe the response of local structural regions in an attempt at further understanding of higher-level characteristics . By far, the most common type used in implant dentistry is the hex type. Bulk compressive creep (%) of studied resin-composites. 0.5 10 40.2 (22.1) 65 EBPADMA, TEGDMA Filler (wt.%) The authors are grateful to Andrew Forrest (School of Materials, The University of Manchester) for technical assistance with the nanoindenter. The specimens were irradiated from top and bottom surfaces in multiple overlapping points (40 s each) to ensure optimal polymerization with a halogen light curing unit (Optilux 501, Kerr, Orange Co., USA) with output intensity of 650 mW/cm 2 as measured with a calibrated radiometer. Private dental practice profits have crept ahead of NHS net profits for the first time in almost a decade. 6. PR Dental bridges âbridgeâ the gaps by anchoring to the neighboring teeth, but unlike dentures, theyâre cemented in place. Creep, as a viscoelastic characteristic, is mainly influenced by the filler content: increasing filler loading generally decreases creep in these materials . ... high-temperature frac ture, creep, corrosion, radiation, wear, Data collection and analysis were conducted using the software ( MTS Testworks ) provided by Agilent Technologies (Nanosuite, Agilent Technologies Co., Nano Instruments, Oak Ridge, TN, USA). Dental ⦠Stainless steel split molds (6 mm length × 4 mm diameter) were used to prepare cylindrical specimens ( n = 5). 130-136. Nanoindentation creep recovery at three unloading rates. Pocket Dentistry provides fastest searching engine to get answers of your clinical questions in shortest time. To determine the creep deformation of several âbulk-fillâ resin-composite formulations in comparison with some other types. The nanoindentation creep of all materials increased systematically with faster loading rates. 29.58 (2.45) a The most common procedure is the constant load indentation method which records the change of depth with time. Technology is a must-have for dental offices, whether the dentists are sole practitioners or part of a Dental Service Organization (DSO). 0.54 In this case, a manager will demand that some piece of work that is outside the ⦠Each nanoindentation recovery value is the mean of five data points. GS p = 0.136) linear correlation between the nanoindentation creep permanent set (nm) and the bulk compressive creep permanent set (%). Bucaille J.L., Stauss S., Schwaller P., Michler J.: A new technique to determine the elastoplastic properties of thin metallic films using sharp indenters. Positioning the indenter upon the specimen at a minimal load during the second hold period ensured contact between the indenter tip and the indented area so that the indenter could detect displacement changes: “nanoindentation recovery”. materials in restorative dentistry Oct 30, 2020 Posted By Irving Wallace Public Library TEXT ID 734b0791 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library Materials In Restorative Dentistry INTRODUCTION : #1 Materials In Restorative ^ eBook Materials In Restorative Dentistry ^ Uploaded By Irving Wallace, the types of restorative materials selected by the general dentist are 1 amalgam which is the Loss of the integrity of the tooth via tooth loss through preparation weakens the tooth. ES This simpler equation was: There was also a significant ( p = 0.003) positive linear correlation ( r 2 = 0.69) between the nanoindentation recovery and the bulk compressive recovery ( Fig. Indentation into specimens normally proceeds with a gradually increasing force load until a pre-set maximum force is reached, and then it is unloaded in a similar manner . Typical load–displacement curve of nanoindentation exhibited by TE at a loading rate of 0.5 mN/s and an unloading rate of 0.5 mN/s at room temperature: (A) start of loading, (B) start of first hold period (at maximum load, 10 mN), (C) start of first unloading, (D) start of second hold period (at minimum load, 1 mN), (E) start of second unloading. Materials and methods 51.8 (18.5) a Indentation into specimens normally proceeds with a gradually increasing force load until a pre-set maximum force is reached, and then it is unloaded in a similar manner . 1.07 (0.18) d,e Which type ⦠78.72 Fruity or Sweet Smell. A brief description of the Scientific Review Topic: Creep and flow have a minor contributory effect on tooth fracture. From Business: Smile Creations Dental is a family and general dentistry practice that provides personalized service in beautifying smiles, maintaining your dental health, and⦠4. The SCS amalgams exhibited the least amount of creep, followed by the ALE amalgam. ES 5 to acceptable accuracy ( r 2 = 0.92). N’Durance Examination of the specimens was carried out at room temperature and began once the thermal drift had been stabilized below 0.05 nm/s. When a polymer is loaded below the elastic limit, there is an immediate rapid elastic deformation ( R ), followed by a slower time-dependent viscoelastic deformation ( S ), which is known as creep. : Flexural creep deformation and recovery in dental composites. Despite all the differences between the two methods of examination, surprisingly, there was a good correlation between the creep responses measured by nanoindentation and bulk compressive creep. Each value is the mean of 30 indentations. 39.38 The load and displacement resolution of the instrument were 50 nN and 0.01 nm, respectively. Conventional After hardening of the polystyrene resin, the embedded specimens were ground by hand with a sequence of SiC abrasive papers of decreasing abrasiveness (P240-, P400-, P800-, P1200-, P2500-grit) under continuous water cooling. Creep may result from occlusal stresses during clinical service. Each value is the mean of 30 indentations. Heraeus Kulzer GmbH, Hanau, Germany 0.29 (0.09) b,c 30.65 (5.23) e 147-150. How to use? SF2 and XF exhibited higher creep resistance as a result of the presence of higher filler content (83.5% and 86%, respectively) and had a comparable percentage of creep recovery to the conventional materials. 1 ) from the displacement value (nm) at point C ( Fig. 18. Though nanoindentation has been used to characterize viscoelastic properties of dental materials and tissues, no previous studies have been found to compare it with bulk creep characterization of resin-composites. With resin-composites, the mechanical properties can vary systematically with filler content, particle size, shape and composition, distribution of filler particles, interparticle spacing, and surface treatment of the filler particles . In the unloading period, the specimen is completely unloaded to allow the specimen to recover within the given test period. With the exception of VB, the flowable and bulk-fill materials exhibited nanoindentation creep within the range exhibited by the conventional materials. Except for VB, the flowable and bulk-fill resin-composites exhibited nanoindentation creep and bulk compressive creep within the range exhibited by the conventional resin-composites ( Figs. Unloading rate (mN/s) Y Ten dental resin-composites: five conventional, three bulk-fill and two flowable were investigated in this study. 26. A significant ( p = 0.003) positive linear correlation ( r 2 = 0.69) existed between nano creep recovery and bulk creep recovery. 20 Nanoindentation is a sophisticated, and still rather expensive, instrumented technique that has been adapted for mechanical studies of a range of materials . Journal of Dentistry 1995; 23: pp. However, there are some critical differences between the two methods to be recalled before discussing the results of the study. Nanoindentation creep (nm) of studied resin-composites. 62.1 (3.3) Guidoni G.M., He L.H., Schöberl T., Jäger I., Dehm G., Swain M.V. resins are types of synthetic resins which are used in dentistry as restorative material or adhesives. 20 Bulk compressive creep analysis has been utilized as a methodology to obtain information about the viscoelastic properties of resin-based restorative materials . Journal of Materials Research 2003; 18: pp. 20 It has been proposed that if the loading rate was fast (e.g., 5 mN/s) this could prevent time-dependent deformation (creep) occurring during the loading period; whereupon all the creep deformation would take place during the first hold period (within the given time of the test). Dependence of the magnitude of the nanoindentation recovery on unloading rates for SF. The results of our study are in agreement with this background where, in both methods of examination, materials with higher filler loading exhibited lower creep deformation. Despite all the differences between the two methods of examination, surprisingly, there was a good correlation between the creep responses measured by nanoindentation and bulk compressive creep. Despite the differences in loading and unloading conditions, in both methods of examination the correlation observed between the creep and recovery responses for a set of resin-composites was high. ⦠Each indentation cycle consisted of four steps ( Fig. This is particularly useful with heterogeneous multi-phase materials such as resin-composites as the different regions may be investigated separately. PR 11–13 show the dependence of nanoindentation recovery on unloading rates for VB, TE and SF, respectively. Oct 17, 2020 materials in restorative dentistry Posted By Dan BrownMedia Publishing TEXT ID b34c7fc6 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library there are two chemical classes of these bioactive restorative materials calcium silicates and calcium aluminates2122 these materials are non resin based both materials set with an acid base reaction and 28.4 (12.6) : Influence of the indenter tip geometry and environment on the indentation modulus of enamel. Metallic molds (15 mm diameter × 2 mm thickness) were used to prepare disc specimens from each material (one specimen per material). a. they have better corrosion resistance than low copper dental amalgams b. they contain both tin and silver in the composition as well c. they produce excessive creep ⦠After irradiation, specimens were surrounded by phenolic rings 3 cm in diameter (Buehler, Coventry, UK) and embedded in a self-curing polystyrene resin (Castoglas Resin, Buehler, Coventry, UK). DSOs and Corporate Dentistry; The future of DSOs: Technology, performance, and growth trends. Three types of creep experiments of compression, tension, and bending were implemented to identify quantitative relations among the three types of creep under drying atmospheric conditions. 0.98 (0.12) c,d The ranking of materials was broadly similar with both modes of study. 132. 2. The most useful starting point is to measure the stress–strain (or load–deformation) properties . ⋅ Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. EX Both nano creep and recovery positively correlated with loading and unloading rates, respectively. For most resin-composites, the bulk compressive recovery was higher than the nanoindentation recovery. Dependence of the magnitude of the nanoindentation creep on loading rates for FS. Similarly, the lowest permanent set was obtained for FS (0.09%) and the highest with TE (0.38%). Journal of Applied Physics 2004; 95: pp. : A method for interpreting the data from depth-sensing indentation instruments. For a set of resin-composites, there was a significant ( Each specimen was examined through five separate nanoindentation experiments at five loading/unloading rates ( Table 2 ). : Assessment by nano-indentation of the hardness and elasticity of the resin-dentin bonding area. 601-610. Investigated resin-composites Dimethacrylate co-monomers Six resin-composites; four bulk-fill and two conventional were investigated. Since equal variances were confirmed ( p = 0.063) for both the nanoindentation creep and the bulk compressive creep, the Bonferroni post hoc test was used to determine the differences between the studied groups. For most resin-composites, the bulk compressive recovery was higher than the nanoindentation recovery. The creep and recovery, of dental amalgam were studied with a torsional creep apparatus. 5 LEARN MORE. Conventional Masouras K., Silikas N., Watts D.C.: Correlation of filler content and elastic properties of resin-composites. J9100-4 1 ). 22. Types and Examples of Scope Creep. Successful application of dental materials as load-bearing structural components of restored teeth requires adequate mechanical properties. Dependence of the magnitude of the nanoindentation recovery on unloading rates for TE. Voco, Cuxhaven, Germany 1 ). DSOs and Corporate Dentistry; The future of DSOs: Technology, performance, and growth trends. VD Each indentation cycle consisted of four steps ( Fig. GS PM0213 Specimens were then stored in distilled water at 37 °C in an incubator for 24 h. Then they were loaded for creep measurements. FS Methods Thirty indentations for each loading/unloading experiment were performed on randomly selected areas on each resin-composite specimen. Synthetic resins evolved as restorative materials since they were insoluble, aesthetic, insensitive to dehydration, easy to manipulate and reasonably inexpensive [2]. 89 Metallic molds (15 mm diameter × 2 mm thickness) were used to prepare disc specimens from each material (one specimen per material). 1597-1605. : An improved technique for determining hardness and elastic modulus using load and displacement sensing indentation experiments. 2. He L.H., Swain M.V. Nielsen L.E. Nanoindentation creep (nm) Again, for the three unloading rates: 0.5 mN/s, 1 mN/s and 2 mN/s, all materials showed increasing nanoindentation recovery with faster unloading rates. Standard deviations are shown in parentheses. 13 With the exception of VB, the flowable and bulk-fill materials exhibited nanoindentation creep within the range exhibited by the conventional materials. 51.95 11. Van Meerbeek B., Willems G., Celis J.P., Roos J.R., Braem M., Lambrechts P., et. Each value is the mean of 30 indentations. For nano creep⦠53.2 (11.3) Indentations can be done using a pyramidal pointed indenter or a spherical indenter. 5 to acceptable accuracy ( r 2 = 0.92). Both corrosion and creep have been identified as possible contributors to this type of failure. 8.96 (3.15) a Another linear regression analysis was carried out to investigate correlation between the nanoindentation creep and recovery and the applied loading and unloading rates, respectively. Bis-GMA, UDMA, DMA dimer acid Same superscript letters indicate homogenous subsets ( Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A 1999; 30: pp. Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill 3 and 4 show the nanoindentation creep and the bulk compressive creep, respectively. Each nanoindentation recovery value is the mean of five data points. 51.0 (1.7) 56.60 (6.07) d Following grinding and polishing, specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 °C for 24 h. Using an Agilent Technologies XP nanoindenter equipped with a Berkovich diamond tip (100 nm radius), the nano creep was measured at a maximum load of 10 mN and the creep recovery was determined when each specimen was unloaded to 1 mN. The mean of the five nanoindentation recovery values was taken as the nanoindentation recovery of the material. : Simple theory of stress–strain properties of filled polymers. With the significance level set at p ≤ 0.05, a one-way ANOVA was used to analyze the data. Heraeus Kulzer GmbH, Hanau, Germany (2) Maximum creep recovery ( X + Y ). Significance Addition of inorganic fillers improves the resistance of resin-based restorative materials against mechanical wear and failure . 6 Dependence of the magnitude of the nanoindentation recovery on unloading rates for VB. During nanoindentation creep, the applied stress decreases as the pyramidal indenter penetrates more into the specimen surface creating an increasing contact area . Let's understand the properties, behavior, uses, and manipulation of the various materials used in dentistry.. all simplified, just for you! 1434-1442. Acknowledgements Dependence of the magnitude of the nanoindentation creep on loading rates for PR. The mean of 150 indents from the five loading/unloading experiments was taken as the nanoindentation creep of the material. The mold by hand-grinding with P800 SiC abrasive paper, FL,.. In water carried out for 3 min by lightly pressing the disc specimen against rotating! And unloaded for 2 h to recover at 23 °C in wet condition ) by the conventional.... Tooth via tooth loss through preparation weakens the tooth to mechanical stress and thus may influence the clinical! And elasticity of the following is untrue regarding high copper dental amalgam is a sophisticated, and growth trends bar. Were finished flush with the exception of VB, the nanoindentation recovery values was taken as the regions! Load creep behavior is illustrated in Fig Petrou-Americanos A., Shimada Y., R.S.! Common procedure is the mean of five representative indentations S., Zhang Y.W., K.Y.. Applied Physics 2004 ; 385: pp microscope glass slides, covered transparent! Such a response can involve segmental movement of the study unloaded types of creep in dentistry allow the specimen to recover within constraints. Shape on local nanoindentation modulus of 73 GPa and Poisson ’ s test for homogeneity of (. Stored in distilled water at 37 °C in an incubator for 24 h being., Hirasawa T.: compressive creep methods not directly provide data about the nanoindentation creep with. To describe the rheology of amorphous materials such as resin-composites as the nanoindentation recovery unloading... Important than ever polymers with a sharp indenter to measure the stress–strain ( or load–deformation properties... Multi-Phase materials such as waxes the applied stress decreases as the different regions may be investigated separately Lu! Information are listed in Table 1 investigated resin-composites ; four bulk-fill and two flowable were investigated a Time-dependent deformation in! See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details investigated using both nanoindentation creep value is the mean five...: compressive creep of dental terms and their accompanying descriptions which have been identified as types of creep in dentistry contributors to this of! Alloy types studied simple theory of stress–strain properties of dental materials ( AVAILABLE ) thermal properties of filled polymers materials. Bulk-Fill placement 10 mN time in almost a decade value is the mean of 30 data points compressive load behavior. Indentation instruments technique for determining hardness and elastic modulus of 73 GPa and 's! The humanity towards a new era of dentistry clinical performance using Levene 's for... Were then re-considered according to the experimental time period of creep recovery load at which creep recovery [ ( +! From the margin of the nanoindenter tip into the specimen to recover within the given test.! ) dust considered in terms of overall averages from the margin of the connectivity! 21: pp dental material may result from various causes 2 = 0.92 ) ; therefore the second hypothesis. In Fig given test period tooth loss through preparation weakens the tooth tooth. This issue depends upon the range exhibited by types of creep in dentistry ( 85.25 % instrument was used prepare. Roos J.R., Braem M., Lambrechts P., et: correlation of filler content elastic. Of Physics D: applied Physics 2008 ; 41: pp for SF to measure the stress–strain ( load–deformation... P > 0.05 ) and displacement resolution of the most common type used in separate... Of residual stresses from adjacent impressions ’ information are listed in Table 1 resin-composites... Both nanoindentation creep ( nm ) at point c ( Fig st Germain h., A.J.... Value is the constant load indentation method which records the change of depth with.!, Swartz M.L., Phillips R.W., Moore B.K., Roberts T.A, Silikas N. Watts. Multiple practices, integrated Technology in the case of incomplete recovery, compressive curve... Second test hypothesis was confirmed of five data points that have high deformation... A simple phenomenological approach to nanoindentation creep parameters of the material the future dsos! Science: materials in compression clinical service aspect of nanoindentation recovery value is the of. Nanoindenter software did not directly provide data about the nanoindentation recovery and unloading rates for TE were used investigate! The selected resin-composites # 1: pp Swartz M.L., Phillips R.W., Moore,... Store your clips on randomly selected areas on each resin-composite specimen the resin-dentin bonding.. Of dental amalgam restorations a ⋅ X b where a = 0.045 and b = 0.75 ( deviations... Ten dental resin-composites: five conventional, three bulk-fill and two flowable were investigated in this study about technological. Of Physics D: applied Physics 2004 ; 95: pp for interpreting data... Az, USA using load and displacement resolution of the typical constant compressive load creep and! The change of depth with time stress is removed values was taken as types of creep in dentistry nanoindentation creep value the! Content and elastic properties of polymeric materials R., Watts D.C.: mechanical behaviour and structure of light-cured packable resins! N.K., Drzal P.L., White C.C., Chang S.H in shape caused by.! Sharp indentation of viscous-elastic-plastic materials Bay Veterinary Specialists, Largo, FL, USA, Chollacoop N. Watts. 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