Brigitte Origin and Meaning The name Brigitte is a girl's name of French origin meaning "strength or exalted one". Have a fact about Dear Brigitte ? Brigitte translation and audio pronunciation Origin of Brigitte. Brigitte in song, story & screen. Select your 'target language' in the drop-down list, … Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'brigitte':. Post by Jack Kelso В» Wed Feb 15, 2006 2:18 pm It's simple: Bir (as when you say "beer" in English) and git with the hard "g", (as in "Git outa town! ― Cinnamonster 9/30/2009. Add fact ! to get this name's meaning and other information. 11,701 listeners. Brigitte Nielsen - Brigitte Nielsen (Danish pronunciation: [pКЃiketЙ™ Л€nelsnМ©]; born Gitte Nielsen; 15 July 1963) is a Danish actress, model, singer and reality television personality. Jack Kelso Posts: 3004 Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:52 am Location: Mannheim, Germany. the act of a person who encloses something in or as if in a casing or covering, a school giving instruction in one or more of the fine or dramatic arts, a comic character, usually masked, dressed in multicolored, diamond-patterned tights, and carrying a wooden sword or magic wand, Unabridged Brigitte Bardot). Listen to the audio pronunciation of Brigitte Varangot on pronouncekiwi. Essentials. But, there are other exceptions. Brigitte Bardot (French pronunciation: bКЃiК’it baКЃdo) (born 28 September 1934) is a French actress, former fashion model, singer and animal welfare/rights activist. Someone or something very beautiful or desirable. ; Record yourself saying 'brigitte' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily. We keep adding meaning and other info to all names. My sister-in-law is named Brigitte..over the many years she has changed the pronunciation MANY times...from the original Bri-gitt'-ta to Brid-jeet', to Bri-Geet'-ta. Learn how to pronounce Brigitte Bardot in French and discover how to pronounce all the celebrities born today Brigitte Bardot (French pronunciation: bКЃiК’it baКЃdo) (born 28 September 1934) is a French actress, former fashion model, singer and animal welfare/rights activist. If you want to pronounce Brigitte the French way, it's brih-ZHEET. French, like English, can be very difficult in terms of pronunciation, due to intricacies like silent letters, multiple sounds for a single letter, and endless exceptions to whatever rules you find.This site contains numerous lessons which explain the rules and exceptions of French pronunciation in great detail, which is fine for advanced students but can be very confusing for beginners. The name Brigitte is of Celtic - Gaelic , French, German origins, which means it has more than one root, and is used in more than one countries and different languages of the world, especially English speaking countries, French speaking countries, German speaking countries among others. In 1982, she was a member of the jury at the 32nd Berlin International Film Festival. Select your 'target language' in the drop-down list, enter your search term in the text-box and search! Currently popular pronunciations. The film And God Created Woman (1956) established her reputation as an international sex symbol. It is important to note that the French have many pronunciation rules when it comes to letters. French and German variant of Bridget, meaning "strength". Lucas Nascimento channeled Brigitte Bardot in ‘Le MГ©pris’ for his Spring/Summer 2014 collection. Pronunciation: bree-GI-tЙ™ (German), bree-ZHEET (French) , . Brigitte is pronounced BRiy-ZH IY T in French or BRiy-G IH -Tah in German †. Top. What Does Amen Mean At The End Of A Prayer? IPA : /bКЃi.К’it/ Proper noun . Now for the list of the usual French names. Brigitte Florence Fossey (French pronunciation: ... working with French directors such as FranГ§ois Truffaut and Bertrand Blier. Pronunciation of Brigitte chouia; chouya; Etymology . Brigitte f. A female given name, equivalent to English Bridget. The Spectator, volume 232, part 1, page 51: I can claim no such dedication to duty since Christmas was passed way up the French Alps in a place where Brigitte Bardots are two-a-penny but horses a rarity. French actress Brigitte Bardot leaving the Elysee Palace in Paris, after a meeting with the French president. Brigitte definition, a female given name, French form of Bridget. This CD is also great for people who are learning French: BARDOT has such a personal way to pronounce words, detaching them from each other, which makes it very easy to understand the lyrics. Fluent in English, Fossey has appeared in several Hollywood motion pictures, including a 1979 role as the wife of Paul Newman in the Robert Altman-directed film, Quintet. The film And God Created Woman (1956) established her reputation as an international sex symbol. Thank you for helping build the largest language community on the internet. pronouncekiwi - How To Pronounce Maman Brigitte. Focus on one accent: mixing multiple accents can get really confusing especially for beginners, so pick one accent (US or UK) and stick to it. French pronunciation dictionary. Bardot definition, French film actress and animal rights activist. [Critics] do not understand young American lawyers, who — according to Peter Tiersma — “are increasingly pronouncing Law Latin in the style of Julius Caesar, and Law French in the style of Brigitte Bardot”. The handbag of Brigitte Macron, wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, are seen as she attends the traditional Bastille Day military parade on the Champs-Elysees Avenue in … Swedish, norwegian, german pronounciation would be more like Brihg-ih-tuh, which is more likely since Brigitte is Swedish. to get this name's meaning and other information. And for those kids who want to play and learn French, download the Forvo Kids app. French Letters & French Pronunciation Rules. Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron (French pronunciation: [briК’it maКЃi klod makКЃЙ”б·‰]; nГ©e Trogneux, pronounced [tКЃЙ”ЙІГё], previously AuziГЁre, [ozjЙ›ЛђКЃ]; born 13 April 1953) is a French schoolteacher who is the wife and former teacher of Emmanuel Macron, current President of the French … Brigitte Bardot (French pronunciation: bКЃiК’it baКЃdo) (born 28 September 1934) is a French actress, former fashion model, singer and animal… Serge Gainsbourg. Immy. How would other native speakers pronounce Brigitte. (born 1934), French actress. Serge Gainsbourg (April 2, 1928 – March 2, 1991) was a French poet-songwriter, singer, actor, novelist, painter and director. Eric Feferberg / AFP - Getty Images file March 20, 2019, 6:26 PM UTC Look up tutorials on Youtube on how to pronounce 'brigitte'. Nicknames for Brigitte. Poesy. It isn't that hard, is it? Bridget Jones - Bridget Jones is a franchise based on a fictional character of the same name created by British writer Helen Fielding. Write it here to share it with the entire community. Aida. Bridget (plural Bridgets) (US, dated) An Irish housemaid.1891, Ellen Battelle Dietrick, Good Housekeeping So long as any Bridget just landed (even before she has learned to walk comfortably in American shoes) can be sure of four dollars a week and her board and prequisites, it is the Bridgets who are really mistress of the situation. Mais c’est aussi Brigitte, sa femme, que je remercie. Pronunciation of Brigitte Bardot in French. Meaning of Brigitte. You learned the phonetics of the French alphabet up above. Brigitte. Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron (French pronunciation: [bri.К’it ma.КЃi klodЙ™ ma.kКЃЙ”б·‰]; nГ©e Trogneux, pronounced , previously AuziГЁre, French pronunciation: ; born 13 April 1953) is the wife and former high school teacher of Emmanuel Macron, the President of the French Republic.. Brigitte Bardot Sings - Brigitte Bardot Sings is the debut album of French singer and actress Brigitte Bardot and was released in 1963. Brigitte Bardot filmography - Brigitte Bardot (born 28 September 1934) is a French actress, singer and fashion model, who later became an animal rights activist. Thank you for helping build the largest language community on the internet. "Search Ends When Sharing Starts" If you already know the meaning of Brigitte Lahaie in English or in any other language, Please contribute that will helpful for other users, also you can edit any data like gender, pronunciation and origin to improve accuracy. Listen to the audio pronunciation of Dear Brigitte on pronouncekiwi. Swedish, norwegian, german pronounciation would be more like Brihg-ih-tuh, which is more likely since Brigitte is Swedish. So keep visiting again . Pronounce Brigitte in English I found Brigitte much disturbed; her aunt was seriously ill; she had time for only a few words with me. Meanings and history of the name Brigitte. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time, “Misinformation” vs. “Disinformation”: Get Informed On The Difference, “DNA” vs. “RNA” vs. “mRNA”: The Differences Are Vital, The Most Surprisingly Serendipitous Words Of The Day. Pronunciation of Brigitte Bardot: learn how to pronounce Brigitte Bardot in French with the correct pronunciation by native linguists. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, В© Random House, Inc. 2021, This Scary-Smart New Minister of Economy Might Just Turn France Around, The Heritage Hate Panel Features Two Leading Islamophobes, Toddlers Denied Tiaras: Behind the French Push to Ban Pageants, London Fashion Week Photo of the Day: September 17, The Week’s Best Longreads for September 14, 2013. Brigitte is a female name. Take note, however, that the pronunciations are in basic phonetics, for an easier grasp and understanding, even for those who have not studied IPA. 1. > Home Page > Activity Search > French Pronunciation. Are you studying a language or simply interested in the pronunciation of some words? Brigitte Macron. Little kids, who sometimes cannot yet pronounce her name will just go with 'gitte and leave of the Bri part. The handbag of Brigitte Macron, wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, are seen as she attends the traditional Bastille Day military parade on the Champs-Elysees Avenue in … Brigitte Bardot - Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot ( (listen) brizh-EET bar-DOH, French: [bКЃiК’it baКЃdo] (listen); born 28 September 1934), often referred … Famous real-life people named Brigitte. Le PrГ©sident de France, Monsieur Macron a figurГ© dans les journaux derniГЁrement pour avoir qualifiГ©e la femme du premier ministre australien de “dГ©licieuse”. pronouncekiwi - How To Pronounce Brigitte Varangot. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? Thank you for helping build the largest language community on the internet. Gwinn. So keep visiting again . Brigitte Meaning - Exalted One, Form of Bridget, Resolute Strength. See more. French Alternative forms . Write it here to share it with the entire community. † Pronunciation guide: B as in "be (B.IY)" ; R as in "race (R.EY.S)" ; IY as in "eat (IY.T)" ; ZH as in "beige (B.EY.ZH" ; IY as in "eat (IY.T)" ; T as in "tee (T.IY)" ; B as in "be (B.IY)" ; R as in "race (R.EY.S)" ; IY as in "eat (IY.T)" ; G as in "grin (G.R.IH.N)" ; IH as in "it (IH.T)" ; T as in "tee (T.IY)" ; AH as in "mud (M.AH.D)" ; Copyright © 2009-2021 Baby Names Pedia. Two of the better-known people on the panel were Frank Gaffney and Brigitte Gabriel. She was one of the best known sex symbols of the 1950s and 1960s and was widely referred to by her initials, B.B. We have divided the names into fifty each for female and male. pronouncekiwi - How To Pronounce Dear Brigitte. Pronunciation of Brigitte Bardot in French. She participated in various musical shows and recorded many popular songs in the 1960s and 1970s, mostly in collaboration with Se… read more. Phonology (and phonetics) should be interesting because knowing how the French make their sounds could help French language learners across the globe acheive a pronunciation “non-marquГ©e“, that perfect pronunciation. My name is Brigitte and I'm Dutch, I always pronounce my name as Bri-git with the short i's as the i's in big/brick/sick/etc., so not "long" as Bree-git. The name Brigitte is in the French Names category. Currently popular pronunciations. France’s President Macron has been in the news lately for describing Australia Prime Minister’s wife of “delicious”. So, here are some extra rules on how to pronounce the French alphabet. 597,412 listeners. She participated in various musical shows and recorded many popular songs in the 1960s and 1970s, mostly in collaboration with Se… read more (born 1934), French actress. Are you studying a language or simply interested in the pronunciation of some words? Home › Tools › Pronunciation › Show description Search and listen to pronunciations. All rights reserved. I then recalled that Brigitte had often spoken of him; she had known him since childhood. "Search Ends When Sharing Starts" If you already know the meaning of Brigitte Lahaie in English or in any other language, Please contribute that will helpful for other users, also you can edit any data like gender, pronunciation and origin to improve accuracy. Brigitte is a French and German variant of Bridget, which derived from the Irish name Brighid. pronouncekiwi. French Pronunciation . Brigitte means “exalted one” (from Celtic “briganti” = mighty/exalted). So, let’s have a look at the alphabet in French. Twenty years his senior, Brigitte Trogneux has grown children from a previous union. Sign in to disable ALL ads. pronouncekiwi. Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce Brigitte in German, French, English, Luxembourgish, Swedish with native pronunciation. Pronunciation of the name Brigitte (23 language audio files). In a sociological and historical way, BRIGITTE BARDOT is what … Learn to pronounce with our guides. Brigitte translation and audio pronunciation Although there are always people who pronounce my name as if it's French, which I really really dislike, actually it's a rare thing if people pronounce it correctly the first time. Pronunciation of Brigitte with 2 audio pronunciations, 5 translations, 2 sentences and more for Brigitte. See more. Brigitte name numerology is 9 and here you can learn how to pronounce Brigitte, Brigitte origin and similar names to Brigitte name. Sign in to disable ALL ads. Ashbea. Currently popular pronunciations. 2004, David Foenkinos, Le potentiel Г©rotique de ma femme: Brigitte, c'Г©tait prometteur; un chouia Г©trange, mais pourquoi pas? You might have read these names already in books, history, movies, or pop culture, but what you might not know is how exactly to pronounce them as well as the meanings behind it. Pronunciation . Pronounce Brigitte in French (Canada) view more / help improve pronunciation. These 20 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Brigitte. Brigid. ADVERTISEMENT. Break 'brigitte' down into sounds: [BRI] + [ZHEET] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. "). Gainsbourg's varied… Ria Bartok. Phonology and Phonetics are two different fields in the science of linguistics that study how people make sounds and pronounce words. chouГЇa little, bit. Search for a word in French. I picked it up; it was a letter, and I recognized Brigitte's hand. Name Brigitte Categories. Brigitte Bardot was only 15 when director Roger Vadim discovered her. French: Useful content. (you’ll find how to pronounce the “ouille” words in French Today’s Audiobook Secret of French Pronunciation) Macron n’est vraiment pas comme les autres prГ©sidents et je veux lui dire В« MERCI В» de remettre Г  la mode la si jolie langue de MoliГЁre ! Add fact ! nah that's the romance language (english, french, spanish, etc) pronunciation. Origin: French, German, . How to say Brigitte in English? That week, I had a French imm… Brigitte is the French version of the ancient Irish Brighid long associated with 1950s sex symbol Brigitte Bardot. 1974, The Spectator, volume 232, part 1, page 51: I can claim no such dedication to duty since Christmas was passed way up the French Alps in a place where Brigitte Bardots are two-a-penny but horses a rarity. We keep adding meaning and other info to all names. A series of French rules of pronunciation explained in detail and put into practice, plus some fun tongue-twisters at the end. From Algerian Arabic شوية‎ (ЕЎuya) (Classical Arabic شوية‎ (ЕЎuwayya)). Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce Brigitte in German, French, English, Luxembourgish, Swedish with native pronunciation. Search. German | French | French (Canada) | English | English (UK) | English (Canada) | English (Australia) | DutchEnglish (India) | Catalan | Danish | Finnish | Hungarian | Italian | Norwegian | Polish | Portuguese | Portuguese (Brazil) | Russian | Slovak | Spanish | Spanish (Mexico) | SwedishBrigitte is pronounced BRiy-ZHIYT in French or BRiy-GIH-Tah in German †. Gitte Brig. Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot is a French actress, singer, dancer and fashion model, who later became an animal rights activist. Famous real-life people named Brigitte. Brigitte Meaning - Exalted One, Form of Bridget, Resolute Strength. Pronunciation of Brigitte Bardot: learn how to pronounce Brigitte Bardot in French with the correct pronunciation by native linguists. Today is Brigitte Bardot’s birthday. Sign in to disable ALL ads. Derived terms . All this to say, knowing how to pronounce the letters of the French alphabet isn’t essential, but it will come in handy, especially if you plan to visit or live in a French-speaking country. Brigitte Bardot, French actress Brigitte Nielsen, Danish actress. “Capital” vs. “Capitol”: Do You Know Where You’re Going? Add fact ! † Pronunciation guide: B as in "be (B.IY)" ; R as in "race (R.EY.S)" ; IY as in "eat (IY.T)" ; ZH as in "beige (B.EY.ZH" ; IY as in "eat (IY.T)" ; T as in "tee (T.IY)" ; Home › Tools › Pronunciation › Show description Search and listen to pronunciations. Search; Sort By: View As: List Map. Cette semaine, j’avais un Г©tudiant de franГ§ais en immersion chez moi, et je lui ai expliquГ© ce que Monsieur Macron voulait dire. Search and learn to pronounce words and phrases in this language (French). Brigitte Bardot 20 Names Similar to Brigitte. nah that's the romance language (english, french, spanish, etc) pronunciation. The french pronunciation has Brigitte with a "j" sound ( cfr. Have a fact about Maman Brigitte ? The course is divided in small chunks separating vowels, consonants, and combinations of letters, demonstrating the pronunciation compared to sounds you know. Law French comes from the Normandy of the 11 th century and was never pronounced in the same way as modern French. The Word Of The Year For 2020 Is …. Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron (French pronunciation: [bri.К’it ma.КЃi klodЙ™ ma.kКЃЙ”б·‰]; nГ©e Trogneux, pronounced , previously AuziГЁre, French pronunciation: ; born 13 April 1953) is the wife and former high school teacher of Emmanuel Macron, the President of the French Republic.. To Brigitte, Celeste was simply a fortune to lay hold of, a future mother to rule, one more subject in her empire. ADVERTISEMENT. Have a fact about Brigitte Varangot ? Read about Brigitte Bardot Read about Brigitte Bardot Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot (/ b r ЙЄ ЛЊ К’ iЛђ t b Й‘Лђr Л€ d oКЉ / brizh-EET bar-DOH; French: [bКЃiК’it baКЃdo] (); born 28 September 1934), often referred to by her initials B.B., is a French animal rights activist and former actress and singer. Write it here to share it with the entire community. Other variants are Brigitta (Scandinavian) and Birgit (North German/Danish). If you want to pronounce Brigitte the French way, it's brih-ZHEET. pronouncekiwi. Used: Anglicized from of the Gaelic BrГЌghid, which is believed to be derived from brГЌgh (strength).The name was borne by an ancient Celtic goddess, by St. Bridget of Kildar (451? IPA : /Кѓu.ja/ Adverb . Noun []. Before we start, here is what you must know about the French alphabet . Listen to the audio pronunciation of Maman Brigitte on pronouncekiwi. Thus, little by little, he expressed what was in his heart, and I watched Brigitte listening to him. Pronunciation . Brigitte name numerology is 9 and here you can learn how to pronounce Brigitte, Brigitte origin and similar names to Brigitte name. Brighid. Filter By: Site. Brigitte is the French version of the ancient Irish Brighid long associated with 1950s sex symbol Brigitte Bardot. Meaning: Exalted, Lofty, Exalted, lofty, . Brigitte HГ¶ss lives quietly on a leafy side street in Northern Virginia. Each section is followed but some practice. If your language skills aren’t already top-notch, then this vocab quiz can get you up to speed! Famous for portraying sexually emancipated personae with hedonistic lifestyles, she was one of the best known sex symbols of the 1950s and 1960s. The pronunciation of Brigitte with 2 audio pronunciations, 5 translations, sentences... 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