This dog can be your child best friend. Mark unread; Skip to new; Mark unread Print Skip to new. While there is little evidence to support the terminology of Pit Bulls as nanny dogs, there is plenty to support them as being a wonderful family pet. Pit bulls are extremely tolerant and will only show their other side if they are extremely annoyed. In facts, the most important thing that they need from you is love and attention. Pit Bull are among the most loving pets. They are also very protective of children and will not allow anything bad to happen to them in their presence. If you are looking for a pet that genuinely love humans, then pit bull is a great choice. Pit bulls have a caring heart and are always willing to share what they have with other pets. All that they need from their master is a well-proportioned diet that comprises of proteins and vitamins to promote good health. If yes, then you are absolutely making the right decision. Depictions in movies and appearances in dog-fighting scandals have bolstered a societal fear around the breed. The dog will cuddle with you, roll over for belly rubs, give you non-stop kisses, sit on your lap and even sleep beside you. Unfortunately, those people who don’t have a proper understanding of the breed spread fear of Pit Bulls by believing what the media reports about them without learning the facts. Anyone in the family including visitors will enjoy the being around this pet because it is always jovial. But there’s a reason Pit Bulls are so common, and becoming more popular every day in America. They get so excited even with simple things. When you take your pet out for morning or evening walk, it will most likely bond with your neighboursâ pet especially if they are the same breed and that will automatically make you and your neighbour friends. Pit bulls are among the cleanest pets on the planet. Pit bulls may look intimidating but they are very friendly and tolerant. some people might say, pit bulls shouldn’t be allowed to be kept as pets because they kill and attack people ( they are vicious). Pit Bulls are among the most affectionate pets. Working into their intimidating mystique, a rumor has pervaded the conversation about these muscular dogs that their jaws lock once clamped on something. They are extremely tolerant of children and will not get annoyed when they are pulled over, sat on or poked. Pit bulls love humans more than anything else. Many people who keep pit bulls as pets have developed a special bond because they are indeed great companion. Their jaws pack a lot of force, and when they bite down, they don’t let go easily. In fact, some people recommend that you should not keep Pit Bulls as a pet because they are very aggressive and bad-tempered. When baiting large animals was outlawed in the 1800s, people turned instead to fighting their dogs against each other. More. The dog will still give you the unconditional love, respect and attention that you deserve as the master. If you are looking for a pet that will be 100% loyal to you then you wonât go wrong if you choose a Pit Bull. They are also less aggressive compared to other dog breeds. This is because of all the danger with having a pit bull around. They are very healthy an thrive throughout the year. They have a short coat that is easy to care for. In fact, two more likely reasons for their appearances at dog fights and as guard dogs are two of the breed’s biggest strengths. Pit bulls should be kept as pets because they used to have a good reputation, the media is unfair, and there are outdated laws against pit bulls. In reality though, pit bulls are great family dogs. Your training also needs to be consistent and straightforward. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Knowing that a dog labeled as a “Pit Bull” is not always a true Pit Bull Terrier, be slow and methodical when getting to know your new dog’s needs. It will support you and always accompany you to your daily workout routines. As a result, most of them usually feel lonely and frustrated. However, there is a popular misconception that Pit Bulls are very dangerous pets. If they are treated with respect and love, then they are less likely to reveal negative traits. Because pit bulls love humans so much, they make a great choice for families. Many pit bulls have a high pain tolerance so they won’t be quickly annoyed by unwanted pulls and tugs, but your child should be taught not to engage in this behavior at all. They’ve gained such a bad reputation that breed-specific laws have been enacted, and some countries and regions have even banned them. They not only have a great physique but they are also very intelligent and powerful. Your closest friends and even relatives can betray you. In fact, the majority of people who keep pit bulls as a pet have never visited their local vet. Pit bulls are very smart and always eager to learn. They also need regular exercises to keep them in fit and strong. They are not only loving and caring but they are also fun to be with. Therefore, if you are a clean person and you searching for a clean but fun pet, then you wonât go wrong if you choose pit bulls. Are you planning to get a Pit Bull as a pet? Get Free NOOK Book Sample. This article is addressed to owners of any “Pit Bull” type dog including American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers and Pit mixes. If you want to improve your social skill and you donât know where to stay, keep pit bull as your pet. Pit Bulls As Pets. Their short coat requires little grooming. Most children living with autisms find it difficult to talk to their fellow humans. The dog will make you appreciate little things in life that you always take for granted. If you are the type of person who loves going for evening walks or hiking, then keeping pit bulls as a pet is a wise idea. You wonât find them looking at you with disappointed eyes simply because you failed to deliver on a certain promise that you had made or you accidentally locked it outside for hours. NOOK Book (eBook) $ 0.99. They are extremely athletic and active. Pit bulls have a great heart. But which breed is the best for you and your family? They will bring lifetime laughter to your home. Their main goal is to is impress you and will do anything to ensure that you are happy. Boredom Therapy Staff. Pit bulls are also healthy meaning that you donât have to take it to the local vet regularly for treatment. In the 70s they blamed the doberman. This is false however; no dog breed in the whole world has locking jaws. That explains why athletic performance outshines that of other breeds by far. If you have a child living with autism and you want to make his life jovial, then the best give gift that you can give is a pit bull. They thrive when placed in a clean environment. That explains why mostly people prefer to keep them as a pet. Pit Bulls are not cold blooded aggressive killers, in fact, they are quite the opposite. His name is Lucky and so far he is a really sweet dog and minds well. “Pit Bull” is NOT a breed. There is a large misidentification problem among sheltered dogs, and lots of dogs are lumped into the “Pit Bull” category without sufficient evidence. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. They only need genuine love and care. Explore Now. Perhaps the belief in the origin of the term in the 19th Century is due to the many pictures of children with their pet Pit Bull (as can be seen above). Pit bulls are extremely athletic and an easily perform moves that other dog breeds cannot. The owners train their pit bulls to do this bad stuff, such as attacking someone, by themselves, they are taught to. In fact, they are incredibly sweet to humans and other animals given the proper attention and conditions! There’s no muscle or enzyme that allows for a “lock” to take place, and they don’t even have the strongest bite among all dogs (german shepherds being an example of a breed with more powerful jaws). Always ensure that you feed your dog with healthy nutritious food to promote its health and well being. Do Pit Bulls have lockjaw? However, just because you have given your child a companion does not mean that you should stop taking care of him. Pit bulls should be allowed as pets because they are watch dogs and the can protect you of any danger near by they can protect your family from any danger near them. It will be your greatest cheer leader. Buy As Gift. If other dog breeds have failed to relate well with other pets in your house, try pit bulls and see how things will turn out. Light is thus shed not only on the social determinants that have shaped this pet’s quite special destiny but also on the way problems raised by domestic animals have been handled politically Many deem “pit bulls” unstable and therefore hazardous to society at large, but there are equally as many people who stand up for “pit bull type dogs” claiming it is not the dog itself, but the manner in which is it is raised that determines the true nature. what I mean by this is, famous presidents have owned pit bulls and were never attacked by them. Product Details; Product Details. WANT A NOOK? Multiple studies have shown that burgles usually avoid homes that have dogs around. The same goes if you have children and you don’t want them to be a regular target for face washes. You donât need to repeat things over and over as it is usually the case when training other dog breeds. In the 90s they blamed the rottweiler. The owners train their pit bulls to do this bad stuff, such as attacking someone, by themselves, they are taught to. Will you socialize your dog appropriately? Welcoming a Pit Bull into your life or family means at least 45 minutes of exercise a day. They donât do this intentionally. FAQ 32. This rumor is representative of society’s misguided fear about Pit Bulls. Pit Bulls are a strong and active breed. Because of their friendly nature, your child will find it easier to talk to the dog and that will go a long way in making him feel better. The loyal breed was even considered a “nanny dog” in early 20th century America and England, watching over youngsters and bringing peace of mind to worried parents. This leads to improper and unspecific care instructions, then behavioral problems, and finally, to the further negative mythologizing of the breed! Many pit bulls have died for their owners and are amazing pets and love everyone. Multiple studies have shown that people who keep pit bulls as a pet have better social skill. This is because Pit Bulls were popular pets, even becoming the official pet of Hal Roach's The Little Rascals in the form of Pete the Pup during the 1930s[3]. With lots of training and socialization, friendliness with other dogs can be learned by almost any Pit Bull, and many will be very friendly from the start! Pit bull are among the easiest dogs to maintain. This is why it’s not in my favor to house such a dangerous dog. By Dylan Guy. Pit bulls are one of the few dogs that donât demand so much from their masters. They enjoy human company and they always want to be near them. D’une manière générale les innombrables aspects positifs des Pitbulls valent bien quelques inconvénients. If you don’t like dog kisses then consider another breed, because most pitbulls love licking. They will always accompany you for morning or evening runs, hiking or any other physical activity that will help you stay in good shape. Here Are 21 Reasons Why Pit Bulls Make The Worst Pets. As popular as they are, Pit Bull Terriers are a controversial dog breed. 21 Reasons Pit Bulls As Pets Is A Terrible Idea (Photos) life. Pit bull, also called American Pit Bull Terrier or Pit Bull Terrier, fighting dog developed in 19th-century England, Scotland, and Ireland from bulldog and terrier ancestry for hunting, specifically capturing and restraining semi-feral livestock. The pet is only meant to compliment his life. 86.4% of pit bulls that were tested passed the temperament test. If you keep one, then we guarantee you that you will never get bored. No one in the house will be sad or bored if a pit bull is around. Although pit bulls are friendly, their overall strong physique and their intimidating look can scare burglars and intruders. They show up as champions in our dog athletics competitions, and heroes in rescue scenarios. Pits are easily trained, and tenacious when they have their eyes on a goal. A temperament test conducted by the American Temperament Test Society on various dog breeds revealed that pit bulls are among the least aggressive dogs. They cannot trade their loyalty for anything, not even their favorite meal. Once pit bulls establish a bond with their master, they always cherish that bond and cannot allow anybody or anything to break it. They are capable of learning almost all sorts of commands and tricks within a short period of time. If you have children around, then you donât have to worry that this powerful dog will harm them. Not long ago some places used pit bulls as nannies (of sorts) because they were so good with kids. However, that is not the case with pit bulls. English. Pit Bulls -- Family Pets and Fierce Fighters, by Tom Greely, Los Angeles Times, July 25, 1982. Pit Bulls are notorious as being aggressive protectors. They are also very active and fun to be with when performing your workouts. Having a child who is living with autism extremely challenging. Have realistic expectations and be patient with the dog. What you need to keep this dog clean is small occasional bath and light brushing. Pit bulls also like to stay in a clean environment. The dog will always stay by your side regardless of the hardship that you are going through. Pit bulls are not the types of dog that will sit down lazing around. If you want to keep a strong, healthy pet, then pit bulls are a great option for you. Let me explain a little bit further into Find a pet, pet care, or connect with other pet owners. In fact, if your main goal this year is to stay fit and you are looking for a loyal buddy to help you out, then we advise you that you keep pitbull as your pet. But there’s a reason Pit Bulls are so common, and becoming more popular every day in America. All that they need from their master is genuine love, care and understanding. If pit bulls were to speak, then you can be sure that it would never share your secret with anyone. Pit bulls should not be banned as pets. However, that is not the case with pit bulls. If you are looking for a buddy to help you stay fit, then pit bulls will not disappoint you. Main Idea People shouldn't keep pit bulls as pets Presentation by: Zoe Moorhead Reasons Why People Should NOT Keep Pit bulls As Pets People should not keep pit bulls as pets. Anyone who has ever spent any significant time around a pit bull … Top Rated Vitamins and Supplements for Pit Bulls, vitamins and supplements specifically designed for Pit Bull’s needs. This result is extremely impressive when compared to other dog breeds such as Beagle and Chihuahua that recorded lower temperament score. Pit Bulls are extremely affectionate. Unlike other dog breeds that are prone to cataracts, dysplasia among many other diseases, Pit bulls have a strong immune system and less likely to get ill. The dog will not judge you or put unnecessary pressure that will stress you out. We all want to feel safe at home. debates (nature vs. nurture, wild vs. domesticated, etc.) They are also easy to maintain hence perfect for people who want to keep a pet but are on a tight budget. This video is sponsored by Petflow! However, one personality trait of the Pit Bull breed is determination. Many people who have kept pit bulls are pets are admitted that this dog is good tempered an extremely tolerant to humans. one prominent study’s category of affection toward humans. Staffs, some may look like APBT’s, but might be … In the early 20th century, Pit Bulls moved graciously from fame as pit fighters to fame as national symbols. Remember, that little is known about the background of rescue dogs. Pit Bulls Bite Is Not Gentle. In fact, some studies have ranked them among the most affectionate dogs toward people, even out-cuddling the golden retriever in one prominent study’s category of affection toward humans. Pit bulls are probably the most misjudged dogs in America. They are highly adaptive and can fit into any home setting. Pit Bull Attack: Case Report and Literature Review, by Steven F. Vegas, MD, Jason H. Calhoun, MD, M. Watch Reply. Pit Bulls generally only attack if they were trained to be aggressive or if they feel they or their family is in danger. There are many outdated laws prohibiting pit bulls in some cities. Plus you can give them vitamins and supplements specifically designed for Pit Bull’s needs. Now they blame the pit bulls. Many people who keep pit bulls as a pet have said that they have not had any major health concerns. Pit bulls are great family pets. There is a common misconception that pit bulls are ruthless to other pets. Instead, the dog will always be patient with you. This means that you will not incur huge grooming expenses. This clearly show that Pit Bulls are less aggressive when compared to other dog breeds. … Thousands of pit bulls run the streets, and many end up as pets. He will for once feel that he has a buddy around who understands him. by Anonymous, New Century Books. If you have a pit bull around, then can be sure that very few burglars will have the courage to break into your home because they know very well what awaits them especially if they miscalculate their moves. I know that you think that Pit Bulls are a bad dog but they can protect you and warn you of any danger near you or some guy trying to steal something. If well taken care of, you will enjoy the company of this pet for a long period of time with a minimal visit to the vet. Continue taking good care of your child just like you did when the pet was not around. If you give them love and care that they deserve, then you will get the best from them. Essay. You will be surprised on how well the dog will interact with other pets. Pit bulls are not only protective but there are also loyal to their masters. Pitbulls are wiggly, cuddly, affectionate dogs. It is almost next to impossible to find an untidy, funny looking pit bull. This is important to consider when entering a lifelong relationship with a Pit, but shouldn’t put you off the scent completely. However, this doesn't mean that Pit Bulls are not great with kids. It is because of the condition that they are suffering from. Pit Bulls love people and are incredibly friendly, plus they have the build and pain tolerance level to handle some situations other dogs can’t, making them the perfect pets and service dogs. This makes them loyal companions and promising candidates for athletic competition! Todays pit bull is a descendant of the original English bull-baiting doga dog that was bred to bite and hold bulls, bears and other large animals around the face and head. This is why people shouldn’t be allowed to keep Pit bulls as pets. If you keep them as a pet, then you donât have to worry that it will one day turn on you, your kids or your friends. They also donât have weight issues as it is usually the case with other dog breeds. Should Pit Bulls Be Kept As Pets?- The CONS 9. Pit Bulls do not have unusual physical features or enzymes that allow them to lock their jaws. Eng., John Mader, MD, Texas Medicine Vol. In fact, there is nothing significantly different about the Pit Bull’s jaw compared with other breeds. Pit Bulls are one of the most loved dogs in the USA. This pet will not only keep you company but will also protect you especially when you are at home alone. Their reputation as pets is shrouded in myths, misconceptions, and even fear. 84, November 1988. They are extremely peaceful and caring. The fact is, Pit Bulls make wonderful pets and have better temperaments than many of the more common breeds of dogs. When Pit Bulls do bite, they do a lot of damage. They can also protect your home when you are away from home. They can eat almost any dog food that you give them. Pit bulls are loving and loyal Blame the deed not the breed! You never know, this pet can help you meet the love of your life! Pit bulls don’t demand so much from their masters. with which pitbulls could be rightly or wrongly associated. Pit Bulls have such a bad reputation and I have no experience with them. However, pit bulls (and lots of other terriers) do not always mix well with other dogs. I have to be honest, I am somewhat worried about him though. Pit Bulls are not the menacing breed they’ve been portrayed as. 0.99 In Stock Overview. PETFLOW'S *NEW* OFFER: Enter discount code ZAK30 at checkout to get $10 off your first THREE automatic shipments!!! Similarly, onlookers who are amazed with the unique look of the dog will also talk to you to ask you more about the dog or even request to take a photo with the dog. Craigslist has listings for pets in the Austin, TX area The Pit Bull’s reputation for courage and tenacity, combined with his good nature, made him a natural as the dog synonymous with the United States during World War I. They will keep that special bond for a life time. This is a great chance to socialize and get to know more people. Their reputation as pets is shrouded in myths, misconceptions, and even fear. bamasharon Helena, AL(Zone 7b) Sep 04, 2003. Here, we’ll explore the truth about Pits, and attempt to dismantle some of the more harmful illusions about their personalities, so you’ll know if a Pit Bull is right for you! If you compare a Pit Bull skull to a skull of any other dog breed, you can see with the naked eye that both skulls share the same characteristics and general bone structure. Que vous le vouliez ou non, si vous êtes propriétaire d’un Pitbull vous serez ambassadeur de ce type de chiens. When you keep pit bull as a pet, you will see a drastic improvement in your child social skills. Pit Bulls are Affectionate Companions. Although big, these dogs are very friendly and tolerant if well trained. Without it, their physical and mental health may decline, and you may even face some temperament issues due to an overflowing of impulse and energy. Contrary to what many people think, pit bulls always prefer to avoid trouble. So, whether you want a buddy to hike with on the trail or go for an evening walk, you can always count on this dog. Some may be game bred (from fighting lines), some may be registered show dogs, some may be Am. However, you should not take advantage of that to give you dog foods that is not nutritious. However, that is not true. Reality: Pit Bulls do not have any special physical mechanism or enzyme that allows them to “lock” their jaws. When you keep pit bull as a pet, then you will never again feel unsafe especially when you alone at home. Having a pit bull as a pet is a great way to meet with other people and network. These larger, slower bull-baiting dogs were crossed with smaller, quicker terriers to produce a more agile and athletic dog for fighting other dogs. Some people get a guard dog and proceed not to socialize it in the hopes that it will make them a better guard dog. That explains why pit bulls interact well with other pets in the house. They are always active and ready for the next challenge. Once the dog is trained, you will hardly find it going assists your commands. Pit bulls were originally used for bull- and bear-baiting, and later were bred to fight dogs in an arena. One City's Experience, by Kory A. Nelson, Senior City Attorney for the City of Denver, Municipal Lawyer, July/August 2005. When everybody else has betrayed you, your pet will stay by your side till the end. Let me try to answer that question. Its not just pit bulls that attack people, there’s many other dogs that act the same as a pit bull. They can be trained to follow any command that you want them to. This may come as surprise to many but it is true, pit bulls can help improve your social skills. You wonât find it rolling or seeking shelter in a dirty place. Most people refer to pit bulls as family dogs because they genuinely care about each member of the family. No. However, that is not true. That is just how loyal pit bulls are to their masters. Statistics have shown that Pit bulls are one of the two most lethal dogs in the United States. You Really Need To See #18. This, however, is simply a rumor. Do Pit Bulls Make Good Pets? Many pets keep grudges especially when mistreated. They are also very good at following instructions. You may find that their behavior more closely aligns with an entirely different breed, and further, that a whole different food, socialization, and exercise regimen is advised! 1905 Words 8 Pages “If somebody is too stupid to understand the fundamental immorality of dog fighting, you’re never going to be able to explain it to him” (Kevin Hench). Available on Compatible NOOK Devices and the free NOOK Apps. How to Pit Bulls As Pets. But one thing that we promise you is that pit bull will never betray you. My Grandkids just got a 4 month old pit bull. As with all dogs, proceed with curiosity and care when accepting them into your life, and you’re likely to gain a wonderful companion once you do! In fact, … As popular as they are, Pit Bull Terriers are a controversial dog breed. 1. If they are well trained, they can live in harmony with other pets such as cats and other dog breeds in the house. Bit bulls are extremely friendly and fun pets. It will do things that will make everybody in the house to laugh. These dogs are extremely loyal and will do anything to please their masters. Here, we’ll explore the truth about Pits, and attempt to dismantle some of the more harmful illusions about their personalities, so you’ll know if a Pit Bull is … In the 80s they blamed the German Shepherd. If you have children a pit bull will help teach your child how to be affectionate and will give your kid a great new friend! Most people think that pit bulls have locking jaws. Donât demand so much from the dog simply because it is smart. The Warning Sign to Leave an Indoor Restaurant. Enfin, les chiens de type Pitbulls souffrent d’une assez mauvaise réputation quoique celle-ci semble être sur le déclin. But again, rarely, you will ever be bitten by a Pit Bull. In conclusion, if you want to keep pit bull as a pet but you are wondering if you are making the right decision, then today we assure you that yes, pit bulls are great pets. In this article, we are going to give you 14 reasons why Pit Bull are great pets. Most dog breeds are only loyal to one or two members of the family. Pit Bulls As pets? It is a generic term often used to describe all dogs with similar traits and characteristics often known by the public as Pit Bulls. LEND ME ® See Details. They are extremely obedient pets. The last reason is, pit bulls don’t come naturally vicious. Whatever Pit Bulls do, they do it with a great deal of enthusiasm, … All that the dog needs from you is love and assurance. But those visibly strong muscles don’t tone themselves! Maybe the biggest misconception surrounding Pit Bulls is whether they are even Pits to begin with. Even when mistreated, they always forgive and move on. Pit bull are extremely intelligent dogs are easy to train. They are also not a picky eater as it is usually the case with other dog breeds. Eager to learn Warning Sign to Leave an Indoor Restaurant enzymes that allow them to be with performing... Love humans, then they are always willing to share what they not! Its not just pit bulls are not the menacing breed they ’ ve been portrayed as this dog. Registered show dogs, some may be am the end other pets finally, the. Blooded aggressive killers, in fact, the majority of people who keep pit bull breed is the for... Bull around will stress you out recommend that you feed your dog healthy! Help improve your social skill and you don ’ t be allowed to them... 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